WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (7/15/19)

Alexa Bliss w/Nikki Cross vs. Carmella vs. Naomi vs. Natalya

Becky Lynch comes out to watch the match from ringside.

Carmella is eliminated after Biss rolls her up from behind. Naomi hits a blockbuster off the steps to Natalya. Bliss attacks Naomi from behind. Bliss puts Naomi in a rear chin lock. Naomi hits the Bubba Bomb for a near fall. Naomi knees Bliss in the head. Bulldog into the corner by Naomi. Natalya surprises Naomi with a discus clothesline. Naomi kicks out. Bliss tries to pin Natalya as she has Naomi in a surfboard. Bliss stops Naomi from hitting a moonsault.

Natalya drops Naomi with a spinning powerbomb. Naomi scorpion kicks Bliss. Bliss kicks out. Bliss trips Natalya into the corner. Naomi tries a sunset flip but Natalya reverses it into a pin of her own. Naomi has been eliminated. Nikki Cross gets on the mic and yells at the crowd for not cheering for her friend Alexa. Bliss only gets a two count after insult to injury. Natalya double legs Bliss and slaps on the Sharpshooter. Bliss taps out.

Winner- Natalya

After the match, Lynch gets into Natalya’s face. Natalya tells Lynch she is going to kick her ass.

Miz TV

Miz tells us that Dolph Ziggler requested to be on the show. Ziggler says he came to the show to see if the rumors about Miz being a corporate shill now are true. Miz asks if Ziggler is so upset that he is trying to take it out on his only friend. Ziggler tells Miz that Miz has become everything he hates. Ziggler mentions Miz’s wife. Miz attacks Ziggler.

Back at the hotel, Maverick is wearing nothing but his boxers and the 24/7 title. R-Truth sneaks in wins the title after a crossbody on the bed. Yes, you read that correctly.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion, R-Truth!

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