WWE Extreme Rules Results

WWE Extreme Rules Results (7/14/19)

United States Championship Match: Ricochet (c) vs. AJ Styles w/Gallows and Anderson

Gallows and Anderson attack Ricochet before the bell rings. As the bell rings, Ricochet dropkicks Styles out of the ring. Styles trips Ricochet into the second rope. Styles misses a right hand. Ricochet takes Styles over with multiple arm drags. Ricochet catches Styles with a shooting star press off the apron. After a distraction by Anderson, Styles takes controls. Styles launches Ricochet into the ring post, shoulder-first. Styles beats down Ricochet in the ring. Styles locks Ricochet in a rear chin lock. Ricochet gets to his feet and hits the skywalker kick. Ranna by Ricochet. Styles falls into the corner. Springboard clothesline by Ricochet. Ricochet dives off the top onto Gallows and Anderson. Springboard moonsault by Ricochet. Styles kicks out. Styles tries his patented backflip DDT. Ricochet reverses it into a northern lights suplex. Ricochet transitions into a deadlift suplex for another near fall.

Ricochet gears up for another springboard. Styles yanks Ricochet off the top rope and lands the Ushigorshi. Styles suplexes Ricochet into the corner. Ricochet kicks out. Reverse DDT by Styles. Ricochet kicks out yet again. Ricochet avoids the Phenomenal Forearm. Ricochet ducks to avoid it. Styles drops Ricochet with a wheelbarrow facebuster. Ricochet and Styles trade punches. Styles puts Ricochet on the top rope. Ricochet stuns Styles on the top rope. Ricochet crushes Styles with a shooting star press. Styles foot is under the bottom rope. After a distraction by Gallows and Anderson Styles hits the Styles Clash off the second rope for the win!

Winner and NEW United States Champion, AJ Styles!

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