WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (7/1/19)

Backstage, Ricochet says Styles can feel however he likes. Ricochet says he doesn’t know if Styles gave 100% but if they face each other again he is going to win. Gallows and Anderson interrupt and antagonize Ricochet.

After the break, Gallows and Anderson tell Styles that Ricochet was talking smack about him. Styles finds Ricochet in the back and tells him he is taking his title tonight. Ricochet tries to shake Styles’ hand. Styles slaps the heck out of Ricochet. Ricochet slaps the soul out of Styles. Styles squares up, smiles, and says this is going to be good. Styles walks away.

Before Elias can play his guitar, Miz’s music hits.

2-out-of-3 Falls match: The Miz vs. Elias

The Miz attacks Elias and hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the first pinfall.

Miz-1 Elias-0

Wrecking ball dropkick by Miz. Miz dropkicks Elias in the knee and attempts to put on the figure four. Elias reverses it into a roll up. Elias hits Drift Away for the pin.

Miz-1 Elias-1

Elias lands an electric chair powerbomb. Elias elbows Miz in the jaw. Miz rolls out to the apron. Elias tries a running knee but Miz moves out of the way. Elias goes knee-first into the ring post. Miz puts Elias in the figure four. Elias taps out.

Winner- The Miz

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