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ROH Best in the World Results (6/28/19)

A video package recaps Kenny King’s win at G1 Supercard and his feud with Jay Lethal.

Kenny King vs. Jay Lethal

Lethal doesn’t shake King’s hand and both men exchange technical holds to feel each other out. King hip tosses Lethal but Lethal hits him with a dropkick after a cartwheel. Lethal suplexes King for a near fall. King slingshots Lethal’s arm over the ropes and mocks the Macho Man. Lethal chops King and gets a chair. King sits Lethal down on it and the former ROH World Champion sends King face-first into the chair. Lethal picks up a chair and wraps it around King’s arm. King crawls away and King suplexes him onto the apron.

King gets a near fall after a backbreaker. He locks in a Boston Crab and transitions into an arm bar. The rivals trade punches and forearms. Lethal hits a missile dropkick and plants King with a Royal Flush for a near fall. The former ROH World Champion hits one dive to the outside but King counters a second one into a slam. Lethal nearly gets counted out and beats the count. A Shooting Star Press gets King a near fall. Lethal briefly locks in a Figure 4 and hits a Lethal Injection for a near fall. King hits a blockbuster and a Lethal Injection. A Royal Flush gets King the victory.

Winner: Kenny King

Pure Rules Match: Jonathan Gresham vs. Silas Young

The referee explains the rules for a match.  Young and Gresham shake hands. Both men feel each other out with technical holds. Young chops Gresham’s chest before both men resume their exchange of holds. Gresham takes Young to the mat but the Last Real Man chops him again. Gresham dares Young to grab his wrist and Young takes Gresham to the mat again. Young locks in an abdominal stretch but Gresham locks in the Octopus. The referee warns Young after he punches Gresham with a closed fist to the face.

Young suplexes Gresham and takes him down with a backbreaker. Gresham winds up locked in the abdominal stretch again but he hip tosses Young, who locks him into a Boston Crab. Gresham burns his second rope break. A deadlift suplex drops Young, who then locks Gresham into a crossface-like hold. Gresham flips out of a suplex and hurts his back. Young sends him tumbling to the floor. A stiff knee and an anarchist suplex get Young a near fall. Gresham can’t fully lock in the Octopus due to his injured back. Both men trade strikes and suplex attempts. They both tumble out of the ring. Gresham low blows Young while the referee is distracted and locks in the Octopus. Young taps out.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham

The Briscoes vs. Nick Aldis and Eli Drake

James Storm joins the commentary team before the match and says he’s disappointed Aldis didn’t pick him. Drake and Mark start the match and match each other step for step before tagging their partners. Aldis and Jay trade strikes but the Briscoes gang up on the NWA World’s Champion. Drake clotheslines Mark outside the ring. Aldis drops Mark with a suplex.

The Briscoes take control of the matchand isolate Drake until he plants Jay with a neckbreaker. Aldis tags in and slams Jay with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Drake and Mark tag in and the latter drops Aldis with a kick to the head. Jay knocks Aldis off the apron and Drake hits a Burning Hammer for a near fall. The Briscoes gang up on Drake and Aldis breaks up a pin attempt. Mark hits a diving elbow onto Aldis, who suplexes him onto the mat. The match ends in a double count-out.

Winner: no contest

Both teams keep brawling until Storm attacks Drake. The two of them fight to the back. The Briscoes gang up on Aldis and Jay smashes a beer can over his hand. The brothers try to put Aldis through a table but Kamilla attacks Mark. The Briscoes persevere and Mark puts Aldis through a table with an elbow drop. Marty Scurll comes to the ring after the Briscoes leave. Scurll helps Aldis to his feet.

ROH World Television Championship: Shane Taylor (c) vs. Bandido

Taylor declines Bandido’s handshake. They trade blows and match each other step for step. Bandido knees Taylor on the jaw and takes him to the outside. Taylor slams Bandido on the apron. The ROH World TV Champion controls the match and talks trash to his opponent. Taylor drops Bandido with a head-butt. Bandido hits two clotheslines and a corkscrew dive off the top.

A facebuster sends Taylor to the outside and another dive to the outside gives Bandido the momentum. Bandido gets a near fall with a springboard hurricanrana. A springboard standing moonsault takes Taylor down but the champion slams Bandido to the mat. A splash off the second rope nearly gets Taylor the win. A superkick knocks Taylor down but Taylor drops Bandido with a head-butt. A hard knee to the head and a package piledriver result in a close two count. Bandido catches Taylor when he dives off the top and slams him to the mat. Taylor barely kicks out after a Shooting Star Press. The champion hits Welcome to the Land for the win.

Winner and still ROH World TV Champion: Shane Taylor

The results will be updated live throughout the evening.

ROH Best in the World results continue on the next page! 


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