chris jericho
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Chris Jericho Talks WWE Stomping Grounds, Becky & Seth, Wrestling Mil Mascaras & Ricochet

The latest installment of Talk Is Jericho is one of Chris Jericho’s “Banned” episodes in which he previews an upcoming WWE PPV with his cohort Jack Slade and the duo looks ahead to this Sunday’s WWE Stomping Grounds. “The Painmaker” has a lot of thoughts to give about the show and also shares some interesting asides as he and Slade get to the ground stompin’ nitty gritty of the card. Quotes are below (complete with the patented Jericho butchering of names):

(Transcription credit should go to @DominicDeAngelo of WrestleZone):

Chris Jericho on Ricochet (aka: Ri-cock-it) texting him about using “The Codebreaker” to sometimes substitute for the 630:

“It was starting to hurt him doing it every night so he was looking for something a little less impactful as far as having to do something with the top rope and he asked if he could do ‘The Codebreaker’ and I said, ‘Absolutely, you might want to change the name of it’ and people might think it’s associated with me, but you know, I haven’t been there for two years ‘so here today gone later today.’ Know who used to say that, Jack? David Lee Roth.”

On making both Samoa Joe (aka: Sam-wah Joe) and Ricochet benefit from their U.S. Championship match:

“It’s time to pull the trigger on Ri-cock-it. I mean c’mon guys. Although I think it’s time to pull the trigger on Sam-wah Joe. I don’t know why he’s not the world champion at this point. So I think put the strizz [belt] on Ri-cock-it for the U.S. Championship and let Sam-wah Joe go into a three-way with Drew McIntyre and Seth Rollins at Summer Fest for the WWE Universal Championship. That’s what I’m thinking.

“I think both guys should benefit by this and this goes to show that it doesn’t matter wins or loses as long as both guys benefit. If Ri-cock-it wins the U.S. Championship, biggest championship he’s ever had, if Sam-wah Joe goes on for the world title, it’s time for him to move on to that level. So everybody wins.”

On wrestling Mil Mascaras (and the “Mil Mascaras” voice):

“When I was working for WAR (Wrestling and Romance, best name for a wrestling company ever) Tenryu, legendary Tenryu, asked me to wrestle Mil Mascaras and he gave me a bonus, 50,000 yen which I think it’s either $500 or $5,000 (it’s probably $500 but let’s pretend it’s $5,000), and he said, ‘Please work with Mascaras, you’re the only guy who can do it,’ cause Mascaras was a little bit of a handful shall we say. Hard to work with, wouldn’t sell, just wanted to get his shit in and the first night I asked him if I could hit him with the Lionsault (I don’t think he knew what it was, whatever) I did it, got a huge reaction. HUGE reaction, like a Road Warrior pop, Jack. Afterwards he goes, ‘Ohhh, that moonsault. You can’t do! Nobody cares about you! Only me! No one wants to see you. Only me, only me!’ So the rest of the tour I just had to do a job for him, just getting squashed by this 65-year old man who could barely walk, but he didn’t want to do anything, so that’s the Mil Mascaras voice.”

On Lacey Evans and WWE exposing the Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch relationship:

“I think it’s time to pull the trigger on Lacey. I mean they’ve had three or four title shots and trying to guess how Vince thinks, when a heel has steam, I mean if she doesn’t win at this point, what is there left for Becky to do? You know?”

“And I understand they want to make it real life and I get it, but when they’re really focusing on the fact that Becky and Seth are dating, I think that hurts the appeal of both. Do you agree on that?”

JACK SLADE: “Yes, I was actually very surprised that they were making such a big deal about that. I don’t see why they need to, but…”

JERICHO: “It’s the same way on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964 when The Beatles were on and they showed a close up of all The Beatles and they showed a close up of John [Lennon] and said, ‘Calm down, ladies, he’s taken,’ Brian Epstein, the manager, flipped out cause he didn’t want anyone to know that John was married cause that hurts the sex appeal of you know, he’s a Beatle. He’s the guy every girl wants to be with and I think it’s the same way with Seth, he’s supposed to have the appeal where the girls might like him, but even worse for Becky. Like a lot of her appeal is that she has female fans and male fans, but the male fans like to think that, you know, not that there’s a chance, but ‘That’s Becky Lynch, she’s awesome.’ I don’t know if they appreciate her being linked with Seth Rollins. I think that might come off as a little bit of, not resentment with guys, but I think it might hurt the appeal a little bit. I honestly do.”

“I think it’s time for Lacey to get the win and then Becky has to chase her, but the fact that they’re showing Becky and Seth together on the show, that’s not a coincidence. There will be some sort of angle with somebody, either somebody messing with Seth that Becky wants to get revenge for, or someone messing with Becky that Seth wants to get revenge for.”

RELATED: Chris Jericho Is Still Waiting For His ‘Thank You,’ Seth Rollins Recalls Super ShowDown

You can listen to the entire episode of Talk Is Jericho below: