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ROH Wrestling Results (6/15/19): Lethal vs. Cobb vs. RUSH vs. PCO

Shinobi Shadow Squad vs. Lifeblood (Tracy Williams and Mark Haskins) and PJ Black

A video package recaps Bully Ray’s attack on PJ Black. Cheeseburger starts the match with Williams. Hot Sauce wrestles Cheeseburger to the mat and rolls him up for a near fall. Cheeseburger matches steps with Williams, who tags in PJ Black. Eli Isom tags in and drops Black with a knee.

Haskins and Nova enter the match. The latter shoves his opponent and gives him a stiff forearm. Williams and Haskins double-team Nova. Black gets in on the fun and stomps Nova over Haskins’ knee. Williams and Nova double-team Nova and Lifeblood continues to dominate. Nova manages to tag Isom, who kicks Haskins in the head. A dropkick to the outside and a moonsault to the outside gives Isom all the momentum. Shinboi Shadow Squad gangs up on Haskins and nearly pins him but he drops Nova with a soldier roll.

Black drops Cheeseburger and Isom with a moonsault. Black pins Nova after a moonsault/double stomp combination.

Winners: Tracy Williams, Mark Haskins and PJ Black

Williams challenges Bully Ray again after the match and extends the invitation to anyone else who wants to fight.

4-Corner Survival: PCO vs. Jay Lethal vs. RUSH vs. Jeff Cobb

ROH World Champion Matt Taven joins the commentators before the match. RUSH refuses to shake hands with anyone and the match is underway. Cobb drops RUSH with a shoulder block and PCO sends both men to the outside with a clothesline. PCO punches Lethal but the former ROH World Champion nails him with three drop kicks. RUSH strikes a pose but Lethal hits him with a dropkick. Lethal dives onto Cobb and hits a suicide dive onto RUSH. He tries to dive onto PCO but the big man catches him and slams him onto the apron.

PCO lands a splash on RUSH for a near fall. The big man dominates Cobb for a minute and RUSH nails a knee to Cobb’s head. RUSH drops PCO with a stiff forearm but Cobb rocks RUSH with a superkick. Cobb tosses RUSH after a holding him in delayed vertical suplex. Cobb suplexes Lethal and gets a near fall. Lethal and PCO climb to the top and Cobb joins them; he tries to suplex both men but RUSH sends them all tumbling with a powerbomb on Cobb. PCO sits up and Lethal kicks him in the head. A pop-up powerbomb nearly earns PCO the win but Cobb breaks it up. Cobb hits a standing moonsault on PCO but RUSH breaks up the pin attempt.

A nasty superkick rocks Cobb and RUSH tosses him into the corner. PCO places RUSH on the apron and attempts a diving senton on the apron but his opponent moves. Lethal nails the Lethal Injection on RUSH. Kenny King comes to ringside while Lethal hits Cobb with the Lethal Combination. King distracts Lethal and Cobb drills him with Tour of the Islands for the win.

Winner: Jeff Cobb

King keeps trash talking Lethal after the match.

Want to talk about how awesome PCO is or just chat about wrestling? Follow me on Twitter @ct_2110!

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