lio rush
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Lio Rush Cuts Passionate ‘Day 64’ Promo At WWE, Describes His Purpose In Life

Lio Rush’s cryptic videos keep on coming.

The latest one is titled “DAY 64 @WWE.”  The video opens with Rush saying, “Maybe the fact of the matter is that I’ve already made my choice.” He then sits down in front of a confessional camera and says that it’s day 64. “A couple of things are sure, and that’s that I was born for this. Made for this. Ever since I was a little kid, I dreamed of being on top. Being that one person that everybody looked up to and say, ‘I wanna be just like him. I wanna be just like Lio Rush.'”

He continued, “I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out what my purpose is in all of this and I think after 64 days I’ve come to a conclusion: To motivate. To inspire. To give everybody out there in the world something to believe in. Someone to believe in. I want to show the world that no matter what obstacles are in your way, they can achieve anything. Be anything. As long as they believe in themselves and an end goal to make it out of this mess. To make it out of this mess that I’m in. I guess that’s all I have for today.”

RELATED: Lio Rush Posts Another New Cryptic Video About ‘Questions’, YouTube Re-Instates Title Match Wrestling’s Monetization



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