major league wrestling mlw

MLW Fusion Results (6/8/19): MJF Takes On Davey Boy Smith Jr.

In a backstage segment, Lawlor demands a face-to-face  meeting with CONTRA. He says, along the Von Erichs, he’ll teach CONTRA that he’s not to be messed with.

In a taped segment, Warner and Callihan call themselves the Midwest Mega Powers. Callihan says the joke’s on Salina; he and Warner like to fight and they’re going to get really violent. They shake hands but Warner says, “when the bell rings, it’s on.”

Bocchini announces Flamita vs. Rey Horus and Low KI vs. Ricky Martinez for next week’s show. In a brief segment, Low Ki says Ricky Martinez has sealed his fate.

CONTRA responds to Lawlor’s challenge; they call themselves the dealers of violence. Fatu says CONTRA Unit is going to take out Lawlor and the Von Erichs.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman (with the Dynasty and Aria Blake)

MJF gets out of the ring and stalls for a bit. Smith tosses him into the ring and stomps on him. MJF rakes his eyes but Smith demolishes him with a big boot. Hammerstone distracts Smith and MJF sends him face-first into the turnbuckle. MJF uses the ringpost to attack Smith’s legs and distracts the referee while Hammerstone and Holliday gang up on the big man.

Smith locks MJF into a cloverleaf but MJF escapes and attacks his legs again. He chokes Smith with a scarf while Holliday distracts the referee. MJF has all the momentum but Smith turns the tables and chokes him with the scarf. He kicks MJF in the head and punches him in the corner. A superplex gets Smith a near fall. He hits MJF with a powerslam and nearly gets the win. Smith nails a Tombstone and hits a diving headbutt. He almost gets the victory but Holliday puts MJF’s foot in the ropes.

Smith knocks Holliday off the apron, Brian Pillman attacks Holliday and Teddy Hart fights Hammerstone. Smith plants MJF with a powerslam for the win.

Winner: Davey Both Smith Jr.

Backstage, CONTRA attacks various members of the MLW roster an

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