Photo Credit: James Musselwhite

NJPW Dominion 6.9 In Osaka Results (6/9) KENTA, Moxley & Takagi Set For G1 Climax

THIRD MATCH: Jushin Thunder Liger & YOSHI-HASHI vs. Suzuki-gun (Zack Sabre Jr. & Minoru Suzuki)

Suzuki-gun attacks from behind. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™. Sabre gets YOSHI-HASHI back in the ring and manipulates every limb that he can get his hands on. Sabre covers for two.

Suzuki tags in. Suzuki hits a soccer kick. Suzuki and Sabre double team YOSHI-HASHI with submissions. The referee breaks it up. Suzuki and YOSHI-HASHI trade blows. YOSHI-HASHI is staggered. Sabre tags in.

Sabre tauntingly kicks at YOSHI-HASHI. Sabre attacks the arm. Suzuki tags in. Suzuki hits a Yakuza Kick. Suzuki hits a sliding lariat. Suzuki covers for two.

Suzuki and Liger get into it. Suzuki attacks Liger on the apron. YOSHI-HASHI fights back. Liger tags in.

Liger hits Shoutei. Suzuki and Liger trade blows. Suzuki pummels Liger. Suzuki locks in an armbar. Liger fights to the ropes. Suzuki hits a huge elbow shot. Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. Liger counters the Gotch Piledriver. Liger hits a headbutt. Liger hits a Brainbuster. YOSHI-HASHI tags in.

YOSHI-HASHI hits Headhunter. YOSHI-HASHI gets a nearfall. Sabre locks in an armbar. Liger breaks it up. Suzuki and Sabre lock in stereo Octopus Holds. YOSHI-HASHI gets to the ropes.

YOSHI-HASHI fights back. Sabre counters Karma. They trade blows. YOSHI-HASHI rolls up Sabre with La Magistral for the pin in 9:39.

WINNERS: Jushin Thunder Liger & YOSHI-HASHI

After the match, YOSHI-HASHI demanded an RPW British Heavyweight Title shot.

FOURTH MATCH: Taguchi Japan (Hiroshi Tanahashi, Juice Robinson & Ryusuke Taguchi) vs. Bullet Club (Jay White, Chase Owens & Taiji Ishimori)

Owens and Juice start the match. They lock up. They trade holds. Juice takes Owens to the canvas. Owens gets Juice on the ropes. Owens takes control with huge strikes. Juice fights back with Dusty Punches. Juice hits a corner lariat. Owens dodges Cannonball. Owens retreats to ringside. Jay White and Owens conference.

Ishimori tags in. Taguchi tags in. Ishimori dodges a hip attack and hits an atomic drop. Taguchi hits a series of corner hip attacks. Ishimori dodges a jumping hip attack. Ishimori throws Taguchi to ringside. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Owens tags in. Owens sends Taguchi to the outside. White slams Taguchi into the guardrail and apron repeatedly. Jay White tags in. Jay White gets a nearfall.

[stream died briefly]

White signals for Blade Runner. Tanahashi counters. White counters Sling Blade. Tanahashi counters Blade Runner with Sling Blade. Owens tags in.

Owens hit a Penalty Kick. Owens covers for two. Owens fights off Robinson & Taguchi. Tanahashi counters Package Piledriver. Owens counters Cloverleaf. Tanahashi hits an Inverted Sling Blade for the pinfall in 9:48.

WINNERS: Taguchi Japan (Hiroshi Tanahashi, Juice Robinson & Ryusuke Taguchi)