Source: New Japan Pro-Wrestling

Best of Super Juniors: Night 6 Results (5/19)

6th MATCH: Bandido (0) vs. Douki (2)

Bandido sends Douki to the outside. Bandido hits a Tope Suicida into the front row. Douki fights back and punishes Bandido at ringside. Douki rolls Bandido back into the ring.

[stream went in and out for much of the middle action, it was fast and furious, with Bandido taking the momentum from Douki]

Bandido and Douki trade blows. Bandido gets Douki in an armbar. Douki gets to the ropes. Douki gets a nearfall. Bandido counters Suplex De La Luna with a rollup for two.

They trade blows. Bandido hits an Argentine GTS, and then a rebound German Suplex for the pinfall in 9:55.

WINNER: Bandido (2)

7th MATCH: El Phantasmo (4) vs. Robbie Eagles (4)

They shake hands. They lock up. Eagles gets ELP on the ropes. They break.

They lock up. ELP gets Eagles on the ropes. Eagles shoves ELP off. They trade blows. Eagles hits a hurricanrana. Eagles hits a spinning wheel kick. ELP slides out of the ring. Eagles feigns a dive. ELP starts messing with the English commentary team. Eagles stops him.

ELP blindsides Eagles and pummels him at ringside. ELP rolls Eagles back in the ring. ELP hits a huge knee strike. ELP dominates Eagles in the corner. Eagles fights back. ELP hits a springboard crossbody. ELP hits a Lionsault. ELP covers for two.

ELP locks in a chinlock. Eagles hits a snapmare. ELP counters a Shiranui. ELP gets Eagles in a Tree of Woe. ELP stands on Eagles’s crotch. Eagles throws him off. Eagles climbs to the top rope. Eagles hits a diving hurricanrana. Eagles huts a Tiger Feint Kick. Eagles hits a springboard elbow drop. Eagles hits running double knees. Eagles hits a sliding Meteora. Eagles covers for two.

ELP counters a Shiranui. ELP hits a Torture Rack Neckbreaker. ELP covers for two.

Eagles counters CR II with a rollup for two. They trade nearfalls. Eagles climbs to the top rope. ELP hits a springboard enziguiri. Eagles hits a Poison Rana. Eagles hits a Shiranui. Eagles covers for two.

Eagles climbs to the top rope. Eagles hits a 450 Splash. Eagles covers for two. ELP counters Turbo Backpack. ELP hits a superkick. ELP hits CR II for the pinfall in 10:20.

WINNER: El Phantasmo (6 pts)


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