MAIN EVENT: Shingo Takagi (4) vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru (0)
They lock up. Kanemaru gets Shingo on the ropes. They break.
They trade strikes. Kanemaru hits a series of high kicks. Takagi hits a shoulder tackle. Kanemaru rolls out of the ring. Takagi punishes him at ringside. Kanemaru throws Takagi into the ringpost. Kanemaru puts Takagi, knee first, through a table at ringside.
[stream died briefly]
Kanemaru slams Takagi’s knee into the ringpost. Kanemaru smashes the knee with a chair. Kanemaru locks Takagi in a Figure Four Leglock on the entrance ramp. Kanemaru gets back in the ring. Takagi gets back in the ring.
Takagi dominates with a swinging suplex. Kanemaru counters Noshigami. Kanemaru hits a Satellite DDT. Takagi hits a Death Valley Driver. Kanemaru hits a low dropkick. Kanemaru locks in a Figure Four Leglock. Takagi fights to the ropes.
Takagi counters Deep Impact with a Suplex. Kanemaru counters Noshigami. Kanemaru kicks at the leg. The referee gets distracted and Kanemaru attacks with a chair. Takagi counters a Whiskey Mist with the chair. Takagi hits Pumping Bomber. Takagi takes a swig of Whiskey and spits it in Kanemaru’s face. Takagi hits Noshigami. Takagi hits Pumping Bomber. Takagi covers for two. Takagi hits Last Of The Dragon for the pinfall in 15:24.
WINNER: Shingo Takagi (6 pts)