will ospreay
Photo by New Japan Pro-Wrestling/Getty Images

Best of Super Juniors: Night 4 Results (5/16)

MAIN EVENT: Ryusuke Taguchi (2) vs. DOUKI (2)

DOUKI attacks before the bell. DOUKI dominates Taguchi. They trade blows. DOUKI sends Taguchi out of the ring. DOUKI bodyslams Taguchi on the floor. DOUKI attacks Shota Umino. DOUKI bodyslams Umino onto Taguchi. DOUKI gets on the top rope. DOUKI hits a Top Rope Diving Senton to the floor.

DOUKI gets Taguchi back in the ring and dominates him with stomps and kicks. DOUKI chokes Taguchi with his boot. DOUKI rakes Taguchi across the top rope. DOUKI rakes Taguchi’s forehead, even though its covered by the scrum helmet. Taguchi hits a hip attack. Taguchi hits another hip attack, sending DOUKI to the floor. DOUKI dodges a Pescado.

DOUKI suplexes Taguchi on the floor. Taguchi fights back. DOUKI dodges an apron run hip attack with a chair shot. DOUKI attacks Taguchi in the front row. DOUKI rolls Taguchi into the ring.

DOUKI hits a running double stomp. DOUKI covers for two. DOUKI locks in an awkward Stretch Plum. Taguchi gets to the ropes.

DOUKI counters a hip attack with an atomic drop. Taguchu hits a hip attack. DOUKI hits a sunset flip. Taguchi rolls through and hits a dropkick. DOUKI rolls out of the ring. Taguchi hits a Plancha. Taguchi rolls DOUKI into the ring. Taguchi hits a springboard hip attack. Taguchi covers for two.

Taguchi hits Three Amigos. Taguchi locks in an Ankle Lock. Taguchi hits Dodon’s Throne. Taguchi covers for two.

DOUKI counters Dodon, but Taguchi sits down for a two count. Taguchi locks in an Ankle Lock. DOUKI grabs the referee. Taichi runs in and hits a Backdrop Driver. DOUKI hits a Pumphandle Driver. DOUKI covers for two.

DOUKI hits a slingshot DDT. Taguchi counters the Dragon Suplex. Taichi locks in a Cross Triangle Armbar. Taguchi gets to the ropes.

DOUKI hits a lariat. Taguchi rolls up DOUKI for two. Taguchi hits Blue Thunder Bomb. They trade elbows. Taguchi hits an enzuigiri. Taguchi takes out the ref with an accidental hip attack. Taichi runs in with a chair. Taichi kicks the chair to DOUKI. Taguchi ducks the chair shot. Enziguiri’s all around. Taguchi hits a Gourdbuster on the chair. Taguchi hits Bomaye Hip Attack. Taguchi covers for two. Taguchi hits Dodon. Taguchi locks in the Ankle Lock. DOUKI submits in 21:22.

WINNER: Ryusuke Taguchi (4pts)


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