Jonathan Gresham
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Best of Super Juniors: Night 3 Results (5/15)

MAIN EVENT: Dragon Lee (0) vs. SHO (0)

They start with a flurry of elbows. Dragon Lee hits a corner pump kick. Both men take turns pummeling each other in the corner. Dragon Lee hits a Shotgun Dropkick. SHO hits a forearm. SHO hits a corner back lariat. SHO hits a Penalty Kick. SHO covers for barely two.

They stare each other down. They trade elbows. SHO attacks Dragon Lee’s elbow and dropkicks him to the floor. SHO hits an apron run kick. Dragon Lee sends SHO’s shoulder into the ring post. SHO counters a hurricanrana with a Powerbomb to the apron. SHO continues the assault on Dragon Lee’s arm. SHO rolls Dragon Lee back in the ring.

SHO kicks at Dragon Lee’s arm. SHO continues to attack the appendage. SHO locks in a top wristlock and takes Dragon Lee down. SHO locks in a Crucifix. Dragon Lee fights to the ropes.

Dragon Lee hits a hurricanrana. Dragon Lee hits a Tope Suicida and both men go crashing into the front two rows. Dragon Lee rolls SHO back in the ring. Dragon Lee locks in a Fujiwara Armbar. SHO fights out.

Dragon Lee wraps SHO’s arm around the top rope. Dragon Lee hits a snapmare and a soccer kick. SHO hits a dropkick. They trade elbows. Dragon Lee clotheslines them both out of the ring.

They get back in the ring. They trade blows. SHO hits a lariat. SHO hits rolling German Suplexes. Dragon Lee locks in a Fujiwara Armbar. SHO fights to the ropes. Dragon Lee hits a soccer kick to SHO’s arm. SHO gets Dragon Lee on the top rope. Dragon Lee counters a German Suplex with a diving double stomp. Dragon Lee covers for two.

SHO counters Descunadora. Dragon Lee fights out of an armbar. Dragon Lee counters Shock Arrow. SHO counters Descunadora. SHO hits Shock Arrow. SHO covers for two.

Dragon Lee hits a snap German Suplex. Dragon Lee hits a Poison Rana. SHO hits a lariat. Both men are down.

They fight to their feet. They trade elbows. SHO hits a Lumbar Check. SHO hits a Powerbomb Lungblower. SHO covers for two.

Dragon Lee counters Shock Arrow. Dragon Lee hits a Penalty Kick. SHO counters Descunadora with an Armbar. Dragon Lee counters with a Powerbomb. Dragon Lee hits a Bomaye. Dragon Lee hits another Bomaye. Dragon Lee covers for two. Dragon Lee hits Descunadora for the pinfall in 27:10.

WINNER: Dragon Lee (2pts)