EIGTH MATCH: Marty Scurll (2) vs. Taiji Ishimori (2)
Test of Strength to start. Scurll hits a snapmare. Ishimori counters with a wristlock. Scurll hits a snapmare. Ishimori counters again with a wristlock. Scurll hits a snapmare. Ishimori counters with a wristlock. Both men trade a series of counters, until they break and stare each other down.
Ishimori wins a Test Of Strength and takes Scurll to the canvas. Scurll counters with little kicks. Scurll hits a double stomp. Scurll corners Ishimori. Scurll chops the chest. Ishimori counters a Chickenwing. Scurll counters a Yes Lock.
Ishimori takes Scurll down. Scurll rolls up Ishimori for two. Scurll slams Ishimori into the corner. Scurll puts Ishimori on the top rope. Scurll hits a Superplex. Ishimori counters an Apron Run Kick and sends Scurll to the floor. Ishimori hits Golden Triangle Moonsault.
Ishimori sends Scurll back in the ring. Ishimori hits a series of takedowns and gets a nearfall. Ishimori maintains dominance. Scurll fights back but is no match for Ishimori’s strikes. Ishimori hits a Sliding German Suplex. Ishimori covers for two.
Ishimori attacks Scurll’s back and shoulders. Scurll tries to fight out, but Ishimori is too strong. Ishimori breaks the hold and returns to pummeling Scurll. Ishimori stomps away on Scurll. Scurll comes back with a Tornado DDT.
They trade blows. Scurll dominates Ishimori with chops and elbows. Scurll stomps away on Ishimori. Ishimori rolls out of the ring. Scurll hits an apron run superkick. Scurll chops away on Ishimori. Scurll rolls Ishimori back in the ring.
Scurll slams Ishimori. Scurll climbs to the second rope. Scurll flaps his arms like a bird. Scurll hits a diving stomp. Scurll hits a Dragon Suplex and a sliding kick. Scurll hits a Powerbomb. Scurll covers for two.
Ishimori counters Black Plague. Ishimori covers for two. They trade rollups. Ishimori stumbles endlessly until he hits an Avalanche Hurricanrana. Ishimori hits a shotgun dropkick. Ishimori hits a running meteora. Ishimori covers for two.
Scurll fights back. Ishimori hits a handspring enziguiri. Both men are down. They trade blows. Scurll attacks Ishimori’s arm. Scurll hits a thrust kick. Ishimori counters a Tombstone Piledriver with a Tombstone Piledriver. Scurll immediately gets up and kicks at Ishimori. Ishimori hits Tombstone Double Knees. Ishimori hits a high knee. Scurll hits a Falcon Arrow into a Crossface Chickenwing. Ishimori counters with a clutch pin. Scurll counters with a Crossface Chickenwing. Scurll rolls up Ishimori for two.
Ishimori hits La Mistica. Ishimori locks in a Yes Lock. Scurll counters with a Yes Lock. Scurll hits a Half & Half Suplex. Scurll hits a lariat. Scurll covers for two.
Scurll hits a Package Bomb. Scurll counters for two. Ishimori counters Black Plague. Ishimori hits a high knee. Ishimori hits lariat. Ishimori hits Bloody Cross for the pinfall in 22:21.
WINNER: Taiji Ishimori (4pts)