Jonathan Gresham
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Best of Super Juniors: Night 3 Results (5/15)

FIFTH MATCH: Jonathan Gresham (0) vs. TAKA Michinoku (0)

They lock up. TAKA gets Gresham on the ropes and rolls him to the corner. They break clean.

TAKA locks in a wristlock but Gresham somersaults out. TAKA pummels Gresham. They trade blows. TAKA pokes Gresham in the eye. TAKA hits a shoulder tackle. Gresham fights back and trips TAKA. Gresham hits a shin kick, followed by a dropkick. Gresham manipulates TAKA’s arms. Gresham maintains dominance.

They trade blows. Gresham hits an Arm Wrench Shoulder Tackle. TAKA fights back. TAKA grounds Gresham and attacks the face. TAKA locks in a headscissors. Gresham fights out.

TAKA returns to attacking the arm. They trade blows. Gresham blocks an eye poke, nut gets kicked in the shins. TAKA takes control and corners Gresham. TAKA hits a corner Shining Wizard. TAKA gets a nearfall.

TAKA locks in a headscissors double armbar. Gresham fights to the ropes. Both men unleash a flurry of strikes. Gresham takes down TAKA and stomps on his arm. Gresham rolls up TAKA for two.

TAKA fights off an Octopus Hold. Gresham chops TAKA. TAKA counters with a Crossface. Gresham fights out. TAKA locks the Crossface back in. Gresham fights to the ropes.

Gresham hits an Asai Moonsault. Gresham rolls up TAKA for two. Gresham stomps on TAKA’s hand. TAKA counters an Octopus Hold. Gresham counters a Crossface. Gresham gets a nearfall. Gresham locks in Octopus Hold. TAKA submits in 9:28.

WINNER: Jonathan Gresham (2pts)