WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (5/14/19)

In Ring Segment: Asuka, Kairi Sane, and Paige

Paige announces that Asuka and Sane are now the Kabuki Warriors.

The Kabuki Warriors vs Fire and Desire

Asuka and Sane toss Rose all over the ring. Asuka hip attacks Deville off the apron. After the break, Sane misses the sliding D. Deville and Rose work over Sane. Sane manages to tag in Asuka. Asuka lands a few strikes and almost puts Rose in the Asuka Lock. Deville saves Rose. Deville tags in and eats a few kicks from Asuka as well. Deville responds with a throat punch. Rose begs for Deville to tag her in. Deville does. Asuka rolls up Rose for the win.

Winners- The Kabuki Warriors

Backstage, Braxton tries to interview Lars Sullivan. Sullivan just glares at her. Braxton gets scared and walks away.

Backstage, Owens is giving an interview. The New Day music hits and Kofi Kingston walks out to the ring. Owens is pissed.

Kevin Owens Show

Kingston sits at down at the KO Show desk. Kingston says he was invited as a guest so he is here. Kingston invites the host of the show to join him. Owens doesn’t come out. Owens appears on the tron. Owens says for the first time Kingston is all alone. Owens says the dream has ended for Kingston. It all ends for Kingston at MITB. Kingston tells Owens to come out to the ring. Owens does. Owens turns around and walks away. Kingston runs up the ramp. Owens and Kingston brawl. Sami Zayn attacks Kingston from behind. Owens is about to powerbomb Kingston on the apron but Xavier Woods runs down to the ring. Owens sends Woods into the ring post. Owens sends Kingston into the ring steps. Owens misses a cannonball. Kingston drops Zayn with Trouble in Paradise.



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