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Best of Super Juniors: Night 2 Results (5/14)

8th MATCH: Will Ospreay vs. BUSHI

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BUSHI locks in an STF. Ospreay fights to the ropes. They trade blows. BUSHI chokes Ospreay with a t-shirt. Ospreay hits a handspring rebound enziguiri. Ospreay hits a Tiger Feint Kick. BUSHI fights back. Ospreay hits Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay covers for two.

BUSHI hits a running double knee attack. BUSHI hits a Swinging Neckbreaker. Ospreay hits an enziguiri. They trade blows. Ospreay counters a Codebreaker with a Liger Bomb. Ospreay covers for two. BUSHI counters Osscutter with a Codebreaker. BUSHI covers for two.

Ospreay counters MX. Ospreay counters a Hurricanrana. Ospreay hits a Standing Spanish Fly. Ospreay covers for two.

BUSHI counters Stormbreaker. BUSHI hits an apron DDT. Ospreay and BUSHI get back in the ring.

BUSHI hits a back cracker. BUSHI covers for two. Ospreay counters MX with a roundhouse kick. Ospreay hits Robinson Special. BUSHI counters Osscutter. Ospreay counters a mist. Ospreay hits Marafuji Kick. Ospreay hits 1916. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay hits Hidden Blade. Ospreay hits Stormbreaker for the pinfall in 16:35.

WINNER: Will Ospreay (2pts)

MAIN EVENT: Ryusuke Taguchi vs. YOH

Taguchi and YOH wrestle on the mat for control. YOH counters an armbar. They break.

They lock up. They trade holds. YOH locks in a stepover toehold. Taguchi fights out.

They lock up. YOH locks in a side headlock. Taguchi dodges a sliding dropkck. Taguchi chops away on YOH. Taguchi hits a hip attack. YOH hits an Atomic Drop. Taguchi crotches himself on the bottom rope. YOH ties Taguchi up in Paradise Lock. Milano Collection AT approves.

YOH hits a sliding dropkick. Taguchi gets out of the ring. YOH hits an apron run cannonball. YOH stomps away on Taguchi. YOH rolls Taguchi back in the ring.

YOH slams Taguchi. YOH covers for two. YOH hits a jumping stomp. YOH covers for two. YOH hits a jumping stomp. YOH covers for two.

Taguchi pummels YOH. YOH pummels Taguchi. YOH hits Dragon Screw. YOH attacks Taguchi’s knee. YOH locks in an Achilles Hold. YOH dropkicks Taguchi’s knee repeatedly. Taguchi hits a springboard hip attack. Taguchi hits a dropkick. YOH rolls out of the ring. Taguchi hits a Plancha.

Taguchi sends YOH into the apron. Taguchi hits a hip attack, sending YOH into the front row. Taguchi rolls YOH back in the ring. Taguchi hits Three Amigos. YOH rolls Taguchi up in a small package for two. YOH hits a neckbreaker. YOH hits a flying forearm. Taguchi counters a Dragon Suplex. YOH hits an enzigiuiri. YOH hits a German Suplex. YOH covers for two.

YOH gets Taguchi on the top rope. Taguchi pummels YOH until he falls to the canvas. Taguchi hits a Diving Hip Attack. Taguchi hits a Gourdbuster. YOH counters Bomaye Hip Attack with a Half Crab. YOH hits multiple elbow drops to Taguchi’s knees. YOH locks in a Figure Four Leglock. Taguchi reverses the pressure. They roll to the ropes.

Taguchi and YOH trade rollups. YOH counters Dodon with a ***** Clutch for two. Taguchi counters with Gedo Clutch for two. Taguchi hits Bomaye Hip Attack. Taguchi covers for two. YOH hits a superkick. Both men are down.

They trade blows. YOH hits a thrust kick. YOH hits a high knee. Taguchi hits a hip attack. Taguchi locks in an Ankle Lock. YOH counters Dodon. Taguchi hits Dragon Suplex. Taguchi covers for two.

Taguchi hits an enziguiri. Taguchi hits Dodon. Taguchi covers for two. Taguchi hits Dodon The End for the pinfall in 20:38.

WINNER: Ryusuke Taguchi (2pts)


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