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Best of Super Juniors: Night 2 Results (5/14)

5th MATCH: Ren Narita vs. Douki

Narita takes Douki to the mat. Narita outwrestles Douki. They break. Narita takes Douki to the mat. Narita outwrestles Douki. Douki retreats to ringside.

Douki gets back in the ring. Narita corners Douki. Narita hits a series of takedowns, followed by a stiff forearm. Douki sends Narita to the outside. Taichi distracts the referee, while Douki smashes Narita with a chair. Douki sends Narita through a section of seating. Douki rolls Narita back in the ring.

Douki stomps away on Narita. Douki chops away on Narita’s chest. Douki hits a back elbow. Douki covers for two.

Douki hits a running double stomp. Douki covers for two. Douki dominates Narita in the corner. Douki shoves the referee. Narita dodges an attack. Narita and Douki trade blows. Douki counters the Belly To Belly Suplex with a Triangle Cross Armbreaker. Narita fights to the ropes.

Narita fights back. He hits a corner back elbow. Narita hits a shoulder tackle. Narita hits a brainbuster. Narita covers for two.

Narita locks in a Cloverleaf. Douki fights to the ropes. Narita gets a nearfall. Narita pummels Douki. Douki hits a lariat. Narita gets a series of rollups on Douki. Douki hits a springboard DDT. Douki hits Suplex De La Luna for the pinfall in 10:13.

WINNER: Douki (2pts)


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