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ROH Wrestling Results (5/12/19)

Kenny King comes to the ring with a walking stick and an assistant who helps him walk. He calls himself Kenny “Shawn Michaels”King and recaps his victory in the Honor Rumble. He talked about the Great Muta’s actions and says he needs emergency eye surgery, which is why he’s not wrestling tonight. He says ROH World Champion Matt Taven is not his target; he says “I think Jay Lethal sucks.” King challenges Lethal and says he’ll make Lethal bend the knee.

Flip Gordon describes how his injury happened and discusses the recovery process. He talks about his upcoming match with Matt Taven.

Flex Simmons vs. Josh “The Goods” Woods

Simmons makes his TV debut in this match. Woods won the 2017 Top Prospect tournament. Woods drops Simmons with a spear and throws him around the ring. Woods pins Simmons after a Seismic Toss.

Winner: Josh Woods

Quinn McKay interviews Josh Woods, who says he’s always been down to fight.

Shane Taylor vs. Bandido

Bandido uses his speed to make up for the massive size difference. He uses fast strikes to keep Taylor guessing. Bandido hits two dives to the outside to take Taylor off his feet. The two men exchange strikes but Taylor drops Bandido with a chokeslam. Taylor hits a stiff punch and throws Bandido across the ring. He crushes Bandido in the corner and steps on the smaller man. Bandido rallies with some kicks but nearly loses the match thanks to a knockout punch from Taylor.

A stiff knee to the head nearly gets Taylor the win. Bandido keeps fighting but Taylor plants him with a hard slam. An Ace Crusher nearly gets Taylor the victory but Bandido perseveres. Bandido plants Taylor with the 21-Plex for the win.

Winner: Bandido

After the match, Bully Ray tries to attack Bandido but Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams make the save until they’re attacked by the Sons of Savagery. The new signees leave Lifeblood lying.

Want to talk about how awesome PCO is or just chat about wrestling? Follow me on Twitter @ct_2110!

RELATED: ROH War of the Worlds Toronto Results: PCO vs. Taven, A New TV Champion 


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