Jeff Cobb
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / Devin Chen

NJPW Wrestling Dontaku Night 1 Results (5/3) One New Champ Crowned, One Title Defended

7th MATCH: NEVER Openweight Championship Match: Jeff Cobb (c) vs. Taichi

They circle each other. Taichi has Miho Abe fix his hair. Taichi slides out of the ring.

Miho gets on the apron. Taichi gets back in the ring and attacks Cobb. It has no effect. Cobb kicks and chops at Taichi. Cobb hits a dropkick. Taichi slides out of the ring.

Cobb goes for a suicide dive but Taichi uses Miho as a shield and Cobb backs off. Kanemaru attacks Cobb behind the referee’s back. Taichi chokes Cobb with the microphone stand. Taichi slams Cobb’s head into the timekeeper table. Taichi chokes Cobb with a sound cable. Taichi grabs the NEVER Openweight Belt and poses with it in the ring.

Cobb gets back in the ring. Taichi stands on Cobb’s back. Taichi rakes Cobb’s face across the top rope. They trade blows. Taichi hits a corner lariat. Taichi counters a Belly To Belly suplex. Cobb puts Taichi on the top rope. Cobb hits a delayed superplex.

Cobb hits a corner lariat. Cobb chops away on Taichi. Cobb hits a corner uppercut. Cobb hits a Samoan Drop. Taichi dodges a standing moonsault. Cobb ducks a Buzzsaw Kick. Taichi hits a corner enziguiri. Cobb blocks a powerbomb attempt. Taichi hits an arm-wrench hook kick. Taichi hits a Buzzsaw Kick. Taichi covers for two.

Taichi rips off his pants. Cobb ducks a thrust kick. They trade blows. Cobb drops Taichi with some stiff strikes. Taichi hits a series of kicks. Cobb hits a Fallaway Slam. Taichi hits a enziguiri. Cobb fights out of Emperor’s Cross. Taichi counters Tour Of The Islands with a Saito Suplex. Taichi locks in Emperor’s Cross. Cobb fights out.

Cobb hits Rolling Gutwrench Suplexes. Cobb hits a Gutwrench Piledriver. Taichi counters Tour Of The Islands. Jeff Cobb hits a Swinging Saito Suplex. Taichi dodges Tour Of The Islands. Taichi hits Axe Bomber. Taichi hits an enziguiri. Cobb counters a Thrust Kick. Taichi counters Tour Of The Islands. Cobb hits a Standing Moonsault. Taichi rolls up Cobb for two. Taichi low blows Cobb. Taichi rolls up Cobb with a Gedo Clutch for two.

Taichi hits a Thrust Kick. Taichi hits an Air Raid Crash for the pinfall in 17:50.