3rd MATCH: Togi Makabe, Toru Yano & Will Ospreay vs. Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Hikuleo
Bullet Club attack at the bell. Yano sends Tama into the exposed buckle. Tanga sends Yano into the exposed buckle. Hikuleo sends Yano into the exposed buckle. Hikuleo chops away on Yano in the corner. Hikuleo hits a suplex. Hikuleo covers. Ospreay breaks it up. Tama tags in.
Tama sends Yano into the exposed turnbuckle. Tama sends Yano into the exposed buckle again. Tama dodges a buckle attack and sends Yano into the exposed buckle. Yano fights back. Makabe tags in. Tanga Loa tags in.
Makabe cleans house. Makabe hits a corner lariat. Makabe hits mounted punches. Tanga dodges a Northern Lights Suplex. Tanga Loa hits a shoulder tackle. Hikuleo tags in.
Hikuleo pummels Makabe. Makabe hits a huge lariat. Ospreay tags in. Ospreay hits Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay hits a handspring rebound enziguri. Ospreay hits a corner uppercut. Jado hits Ospreay with a kendo stick behind the referee’s back. Hikuleo hits a corner attack. Hikuleo hits a Swinging Neckbreaker. Hikuleo covers for two.
Ospreay hits an huge kick. Hikuleo dodges Osscutter. Hikuleo hits a lariat. Hikuleo covers for two.
Ospreay rolls up Hikuleo for two. Ospreay hits Osscutter for the pinfall in 7:25.
WINNERS: Togi Makabe, Toru Yano & Will Ospreay
4th MATCH: Kota Ibushi, SHO & YOH vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI)
YOH and BUSHI start the match. They lock up. BUSHI gets YOH on the ropes. BUSHI chops his chest. YOH takes out BUSHI. Ibushi tags in.
Ibushi unleashes a flurry of offense. BUSHI blocks a standing moonsault. Shingo and Naito take out SHO and YOH at ringside. Naito tags in.
Naito stomps away on Ibushi. Shingo tags in and maintains dominance. Naito tags in. Naito continues the assault on Ibushi’s back. Naito hits Cabron Combination. Naito covers for two.
Ibushi pummels Naito. Naito spits on Ibushi. Ibushi hits a running double stomp. SHO tags in. Shingo tags in.
They trade lariats. SHO hits a Spear. Shingo counters a Deadlift German Suplex. Shingo hits a lariat. SHO hits a brainbuster. SHO covers for two.
Shingo and SHO get in a shoving match. The shoving match becomes a chop battle, becomes a forearm war. Shingo hits a Snap German Suplex. SHO hits a lariat. YOH tags in.
YOH hits a corner back elbow. YOH hits a low dropkick. YOH hits an enziguiri. YOH hits a Falcon Arrow. YOH covers for two.
Shingo fights out of a Dragon Suplex. SHO and YOH hit stereo high knee strikes. Shingo hits a double suplex. BUSHI tags in.
BUSHI hits a running meteora. BUSHI hits a Codebreaker. BUSHI covers for two. YOH hits a Dragon Screw. Ibushi tags in.
Ibushi hits a snap powerslam. Ibushi hits a moonsault. Ibushi covers for two.
Naito breaks up a Last Ride Powerbomb. Ibushi hits a double backflip kick. BUSHI hits a rebound enziguiri. Ibushi hits Bomaye Knee Strike. Ibushi hits Kamigoye for the pinfall in 11:31.
WINNERS: Kota Ibushi, SHO & YOH