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New Japan Pro Wednesday on Thursday: Golden Week Is Here, Full Wrestling Dontaku Preview



By Jasmine Olan

   Compelling rivalries are essential in the professional wrestling world. Over the years New Japan Pro Wrestling has created some the best ever.  This has been the case since the promotion was founded in 1972.  Some of the greatest rivalries of the past have helped lay the groundwork for many of the ones we see unfolding today.  As of late, new feuds have been developing that are becoming the talk of the international wrestling scene and the industry as a whole with their story telling and high match quality.  While some are rooted in long histories, others are just starting to really gain steam.

   EVIL of Los Ingobernables de Japon, and the Stone Pitbull, Tomohiro Ishii have been at war with each other throughout much of this year’s DONTAKU tour.  Two of the industry’s best brawlers, their recent encounters in multi man tag team matches have been hard hitting and hotly contested at every turn. Their upcoming match on 5/4 is sure to have the wrestling world buzzing for a long time to come with its simple story of a game of oneupmanship between two powerhouse brawlers.    

   Meanwhile two of EVIL’s LIJ brothers have become embroiled in big feuds of their own.  The group’s leader, Testsuya Naito is in the middle of a feud with the Golden Star, Kota Ibushi that has been brewing for some time now while the Cold Skull, SANADA has been going head to head with the Rainmaker, Kazuchika Okada.  Ibushi and Naito are setting the wrestling on fire right now with their war over the IWGP Intercontinental Championship.  Their matches have always been some of the most jaw dropping ones on every card.  Fans are completely gripped at the moment by this feud over what the Intercontinental title means to both performers.   

    The rivalry between Okada and SANADA has been in the making for some time but has found some big momentum since this year’s New Japan Cup tournament where the two faced each other in the finals.  This seems to be marking the beginning of a potentially huge singles push for SANADA that could see him capture the IWGP Heavyweight Championship for the very first time.  This growing feud will no doubt yield very exciting results.   

   NJPW also has a great rivalry in the making within its current class of young lions.  Yota Tsuji and Yuya Uemura seem destined to be forever linked in their careers.  Whenever the two compete against each other, it’s very reminiscent of legendary feuds of the past like Keiji Mutoh vs Masahiro Chono and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Shinsuke Nakamura.  Both are destined for greatness in the future.  They along with fellow young lions Shota Umino and Ren Narita are already showing signs of that greatness now.  Each of them are out to prove that they are ready for the big time.  

   These growing rivalries are helping set New Japan Pro Wrestling up for great things.   Through carefully crafted story telling and incredible in ring chemistry, NJPW continues to be the true standard bearer in professional wrestling.  It’s slow burn approach to telling each of these stories has been one of the company’s big keys to success.  With many more epic showdowns to come in the future, New Japan Pro Wrestling will no doubt forever be the ‘King Of Sports’.