WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/22/19)

In Ring Segment: Sami Zayn

Zayn says he isn’t bitter. Zayn is a happy person. Not being in the WWE for 10 months was the happiest time of his life. Zayn shows photos of himself enjoying his time off. Zayn says the problem with the world is each and every member of the WWE Universe. Zayn would rather be anywhere else on earth than here tonight. Zayn tells everyone to go to hell. Cedric Alexander makes his entrance as Zayn is walking up the ramp.

Cedric Alexander vs. Cesaro

Cesaro puts Alexander in a wristlock. Alexander counters into one of his own. Cesaro uppercuts Alexander. Cesaro traps Alexander in the corner. Flying head scissors by Alexander. Alexander set up a dive but Cesaro cuts him off. Nasty powerslam by Cesaro. Alexander dives off the top rope. Cesaro catches Alexander in midair and hits a backbreaker. Snapping gut wrench suplex by Cesaro. Alexander kicks out. Alexander and Cesaro trade strikes. Spinning back elbow by Alexander. Alexander tries the slingshot flatliner but Cesaro holds Alexander in the air. Alexander escapes and crushes Cesaro with a Michinoku Driver. Alexander hits a dive. Alexander springboards right into a European uppercut for the win.

Winner- Cesaro

Backstage, the Revival interrupt the Usos… I guess they are going to fight? That wasn’t super clear.

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