WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/22/19)

Naomi vs. Billie Kay w/Peyton Royce

Kay drops Naomi with a kick. Kay puts Naomi in a seated abdominal stretch. Naomi fights out of it. Flying clothesline by Naomi. Naomi slaps Kay in the face. Royce tries to get involved but Naomi knocks her off the apron. Naomi sunset flips Kay for the win!

Winner- Naomi

Another promo of the laughing doll in the rocking chair is played.

The Miz vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Baron Corbin 

McIntyre and Corbin try to gang up on Miz. Miz is able to avoid them at first but Corbin catches Miz with a stiff uppercut. McIntyre and Corbin beat down Miz. Corbin decks McIntyre. Miz sends Corbin into the barricade. McIntyre attacks Miz from behind. Deadlift suplex by McIntyre to Miz. Miz fires up takes out both McIntyre and Corbin with a springboard ax handle. Miz lays in the “it” kicks to Corbin and McIntyre. McIntyre surprises Miz with the Glasgow kiss. McIntyre tries to hit an air raid crash off the top but Corbin joins in and powerbombs McIntyre and Miz off the top.

After the break, Miz dives off the top onto Corbin and McIntyre. McIntyre hits the inverted Alabama slam on Miz. Miz kicks out. McIntyre misses the Claymore. Miz puts McIntyre in the figure four. McIntyre pokes Miz in the eye to break the hold. Miz runs right into Corbin’s deep six. Miz sends Corbin into the ringsteps. McIntyre spinebusters Miz. Miz kicks out. Miz counters the future shock DDT into a DDT of his own. Corbin almost hits the End of Days but Miz turns that into a DDT. McIntyre hits the Claymore on Miz. Corbin pushes McIntyre out of the ring and stales the pin.

Winner- Baron Corbin

After the match, Styles says he is going to pick a fight with the biggest dog in the yard and he will win.

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