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ROH Wrestling Results (4/14/19)

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired April 14, 2019 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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The show begins with a taped video of the Briscoes discussing the Crockett Cup and tonight’s qualifying match against Jeff Cobb & Willie Mack.

Shane Taylor vs. Luchasaurus 

The match begins with Taylor talking trash to Luchasaurus. Taylor gives him some stiff chops and gets some kicks in return. A rope-hung stunner gets Taylor a near fall. Taylor slams Luchasaurus with a popup chokeslam for another near fall. Luchasaurus follows a snake bite with a shining wizard for a two count.

The two big men continue to rock each other with strikes. Luchasaurus sits up, like Kane, and drops Taylor with a choke slam. In the end, Taylor hit a 216 for the victory.

Winner: Shane Taylor

In a taped segment from last week, Silas Young discusses his win over Jonathan Gresham, who interrupts the segment. The two exchange words and security prevents the conflict from escalating.

Tenille Dashwood joins the commentary team and announces she’s cleared for action.

Katie Forbes and Mazzerati vs. Mayu Iwatani and Sumie Sakai

Mazzerati refuses to shake Iwatani’s hand. The former Women of Honor Champion takes her down with an arm drag off the tops and the two women tag in their partners. Forbes pushes Sakai across the ring. Sakai chops Forbes in the corner but she gets dragged down by her hair. Forbes continues to disrespect Sakai.

Mazzerati plants Sakai with a suplex. Forbes prevents Iwatani from tagging Sakai and Mazzerati nearly pins Sakai with a DDT. Iwatani takes down both opponents with an arm drag and a dropkick. Forbes lifts both Iwatani and Sakai and drops both with a double Samoan drop. Sakai pins Mazzerati with Smashmouth.

Winners: Sumie Sakie & Mayu Iwatani

The show replays last week’s interview of PJ Black; he discusses his changing attitude and his upcoming rematch with Bandido.



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