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ROH Wrestling Results (4/14/19)

Crockett Cup Qualifier: The Briscoes vs. ROH World Television Champion Jeff Cobb and NWA National Champion Willie Mack

Mack chops Mark in the corner and the two men exchange stiff chops. Mark  gets planted by a charging Mack, who then tags in Cobb. The ROH World Television Champion drops Mark with a delayed vertical suplex. The Briscoes take control and gang up on Cobb.

Mark continues to isolate Cobb from Mack and he takes them both out with a dive off the top rope.  Mack flies around the ring, dishing out strikes to both brothers. Mack plants Mark with a popup flatliner and tags Cobb. The Television Champion tosses Mark around the ring and hits both brothers with uppercuts. Cobb suplexes both Briscoes at the same time. The Briscoes hit a Doomsday Device on Mack but Cobb breaks up the pin. Jay plants Cobb weith a Jay Driller and Mark pins him with a Froggy Bow.

Winners: The Briscoes

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