WWE WrestleMania Results

WWE WrestleMania Results (4/7/19)

Bryan knees Kingston in the back over and over again. Bryan suplexes Kingston on the top rope. Bryan drops a knee to Kingston’s back. Kingston kicks out at two. Waist lock by Bryan. Bryan rolls Kingston into a pin. Kingston will not stay down. Kingston escapes after a few elbows to Bryan’s skull. Bryan sends Kingston into the corner. Bryan lands a few corner dropkicks. Kingston springs out of the corner for a double stomp but Bryan picks Kingston’s legs out of the air and puts Kingston in the Boston Crab. Kingston gets to the ropes to break the hold. Bryan tries to set up an avalanche back suplex. Kingston keeps elbowing Bryan off the top rope. Kingston blast Bryan with a few more elbows to the head. Kingston hits a splash to Bryan’s back. Bryan kicks out! Bryan and Kingston trade punches in the ring. Kingston tries Trouble in Paradise but Bryan turns it into a pin. Kingston kicks out. Springboard cross body by Kingston. Bryan almost locks in the LeBell Lock but Kingston kicks Bryan in the head again.

Kingston charges in but Bryan crushes him with a double foot stomp of his own. Bryan calls for the running knee. Kingston counters into the SOS. Bryan rolls Kingston into the LeBell Lock. Kingston manages to get his foot on the bottom rope. Bryan lays in the Yes kicks. Kingston makes it to his feet. Bryan keeps kicking him. Kingston tells Bryan to bring it. Kingston lands a few strikes. Kingston drops Bryan with an inverted verticle suplex. Bryan kicks out and rolls to the outside. Rowan gets in Kingston’s face. Woods tries to help Kingston but Rowan takes him out. Woods and Big E. hit the Up Up Down Down on Rowan out on the floor. Bryan hits the running knee. Kingston kicks out! Bryan stomps Kingston’s face. Bryan puts Kingston in the LeBell Lock. Kingston rolls Bryan over and rains down a flurry of elbows. Kingston traps Bryan’s arms and stomps on Bryan’s head. Kingston calls for the Trouble in Paradise. Bryan gets to his feet and walks right into the Trouble in Paradise! Kofi Kingston wins!

Winner and NEW WWE Champion, Kofi Kingston!

After the match, Big E. and Woods present Kingston with a new WWE Championship. Kingston celebrates in the ring with Woods, Big E., and his two sons.

WWE WrestleMania Live Results Continue On The Next Page!


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