WWE WrestleMania Results

WWE WrestleMania Results (4/7/19)

Lacey Evans walks out and does… stuff.

Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match: The Usos (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Rusev w/Lana vs. The Bar vs. Ricochet and Aleister Black

Rollins senton by Sheamus to Black. Rusev tags himself in and runs over Black with a clothesline. Rusev and Nakamura hit an assisted leg lariat/spine buster combo. Nakamura spin kicks Jey into the corner. Ricochet tags himself in and hits a cross body off the top. Ricochet head scissors Cesaro. Cesaro swings Ricochet ad Sheamus hits the ten beats of the Bodhran on every other competitor in the match! Cesaro is still swinging Ricochet in the background. Cesaro puts Ricochet in the sharpshooter. Jimmy superkicks Cesaro to break the hold. Black and Rusev tag in. Black lands a flurry of strikes on Rusev.

Springboard moonsault by Black. Nakamura breaks up the pin. Sliding knee by Nakamura. Ricochet breaks up the pin with a standing shooting star press. Rusev sidewalks slams Ricochet. Ricochet kicks out. Tower of doom leads to everyone being down except Ricochet, who landed on his feet. Ricochet hits the 630 on Sheamus. Everyone breaks up the pin! Jey dives off the top right into a European uppercut. Everyone hits their finisher. Double superkick by the Usos to Sheamus. The Usos hit the double Uce on Sheamus for the win!

Winners- The Usos

Falls Count Anywhere Match: Shane McMahon vs. The Miz

Shane runs away. Miz chases Shane around the ring. Shane lands a few rabbit punches. Shane grabs Mr. Miz. Miz chases Shane again. Shane catches Miz with a kick to the chest. Shane lays in a few more punches. Spinning back elbow by Shane. Shane sends Miz into the turnbuckle. Miz falls to the outside. Shane clears off the commentary desk. Shane hits Miz in the head with a TV monitor. Mr. Miz hops the barricade and stands in front of Miz. Shane hops off the top rope. Shane tells Mr. Miz to get in the ring. Mr. Miz takes off his coat and squares up. Shane attacks Mr. Miz. As Shane is stomping Mr. Miz in the corner, Miz hits the ring and attacks Shane. Miz tosses Shane out of the ring. Miz sends Shane into the crowd. Miz tells the stagehands to get someone to help his father. Miz leaps over the barricade and clotheslines Shane. Miz sends Shane into one of the metal support structures. Shane DDTs Miz. Miz kicks out.

Miz kicks Shane off the staging area. Shane hits his head on a metal barricade. Miz kicks Shane in the knee. Miz hits Shane in the knee with a chair. Miz beats Shane with the chair all over the arena. Miz tosses Shane through a table. Shane somehow kicks out. Miz hits Shane with a flat screen. Shane flys over the barricade, onto a table, then falls another five feet to the concrete. Miz drags Shane over to the tech area. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on a metal platform. Shane still kicks out! Shane climbs the structure. Miz follows. Shane tries to apologize to Miz. Miz unloads on Shane. Miz suplexes Shane off the top of the platform! Since Shane’s arm is on Miz, the referee counts to three.

Winner- Shane McMahon

WWE WrestleMania Live Results Continue On The Next Page!


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