Impact Wrestling Results

Impact Wrestling Results (3/22/19)

In Ring Segment: Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie

Impact says everyone wants to know why he turned on Brian Cage. It’s because the fans are all the same. They just want to see Impact kill himself for their entertainment. The fans moved on to that big dummy Brian Cage. Valkyrie says next week she will destroy Jordynne Grace next week. Valkyrie says they have all the power and they make decisions. Impact says Cage may not make it to their match.

Backstage, James Mitchell tells Rosemary that he told her she would get Allie back last week. Rosemary says Mitchell gave her an empty meat suit. Rosemary will have to travel back to the undead realm to get Allie’s soul back from Him.

Willie Mack vs Ethan Page

Page and Mack fight outside the ring. After a brief back and forth Mack hits the stunner for the win.

Winner- Willie Mack

Backstage, Killer Kross says “bravo” to Impact.

At the bar, Glenn Gilbertti says he doesn’t have to prep for his match against Scarlett since she is a girl. Women thinking they can compete with us is ridiculous. A woman can NOT be the Man.

Backstage, Gail Kim says Impact Management has told her what to do about Tessa Blanchard. The interview is interrupted by a brawl between the Lucha Bros and LAX.

X-Divison Championship Match: Rich Swann (c) vs Sami Callihan 

Swann attacks Callihan. rolling stunner by Swann. Callihan falls to the outside. Swann lands a dive over the top. Callihan tries to piledriver Swann on the ring steps. Swann escapes. Callihan dives off the steps but Swann greats him with a superkick. Exploder suplex by Callihan on the ramp. After the break Callihan spits in Swann’s face. Callihan tries the piledriver but Swann turns it into a roll-up for the win.

Winner- Rich Swann

After the match, Callihan attacks Swann. Swann grabs a chair but before he ccan use it Mad Man Fulton hits the ring and attacks Swann. Willie Mack tries to make the save but is quickly dispatched by Fulton and Callihan.

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