WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (3/20/19)

Fatal Five-Way Match: Adam Cole vs Ricochet vs Velveteen Dream vs Matt Riddle vs Aleister Black

Dream rolls out of the ring as the battle start. Ricochet tosses Cole out of the ring. Dream leaps over Black’s leg sweep. Dream rolls Black into a Dream Valley Driver but Black escapes. Black boots Dream in the face. Black falls to the outside. Black kicks Cole in the face. Dynamic dropkick by Ricochet to Dream. Riddle grabs Ricochet and hits three gut wrench suplex. Cole enziguris Riddle. Black kicks Cole in the gut. Ricochet lands a standing moonsault. Black and Ricochet are the only two men left standing. Before Ricochet and Black can lock up Cole attacks them from behind. Cole snap suplexes Ricochet. Cole gets another near fall after a back suplex. Ricochet dropkicks Cole Dream surprises Ricochet with a high knee to the back. Dream sends Cole to the outside. Diving axhandle by Dream to the outside. Dream dives into Riddle but Riddle counters into a German suplex. Riddle puts Black in the Bro-mission. Cole breaks it up. Black takes out Cole and Dream with a cabrada.

Black calls for the Black Mass. Cole pulls Black out of the ring. Cole sends Black into the ring steps. Riddle puts Cole in the Bro-mission. Dream breaks up the hold with an elbow drop. Dream, Cole, and Riddle all trade strikes. Everyone ends up out on the mat after a series of strike exchanges. Ricochet goes up top. Cole cuts him off and tries a superplex. Everyone else joins them on the top rope. Dream, Black, Cole, and Riddle superplex Ricochet. Dream and Black pound on each other. Meteroa by Black. Black German suplexes Dream. Riddle breaks up the pin with a senton. Riddle deadlift suplexes Black. Cole breaks up that pin. Cole superkicks Riddle and hits a neck breaker. Ricochet breaks that pinfall attempt up. Cole superkicks Ricochet twice. Cole misses the Last Shot. Reverse ranna by Ricochet. Cole falls to the outside. Cartwheel splash to the outside by Ricochet. Riddle puts Dream in the Bro-mission. Black breaks that up. Black hits the Black Mass ono Riddle. Dream hits the Dream Valley on Black. Dream goes up top. Ricochet cuts Dream off and hurricanranas Dream off the top, to the outside onto Black. Ricochet Shooting star presses Riddle. As Ricochet tries to pin Riddle, Cole hits the Last Shot on Ricochet for the win!

Winner and new number one contender, Adam Cole!

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