colt cabana
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Mike Kalasnik

New Japan Cup Night 8 Results (3/17) Suzuki/SANADA, Cabana/Yano

SEVENTH MATCH: New Japan Cup Second Round Match: Colt Cabana vs. Toru Yano

They circle each other. They lock up. Cabana finds Yano’s wrist tape. The referee searches Yano and finds more wrist tape. Cabana throws the wrist tape into the crowd. Yano rolls up Cabana for two.

Cabana stops Yano from removing the turnbuckle covers. Yano give Colt  copy of his cookbook. Cabana throws the cookbook into the crowd. Cabana rolls up Yano for two.

Yano leaves the ring, searching for the cookbook. Cabana chases but Yano attacks. Yano dominates Cabana. Yano rolls Cabana back in the ring. Cabana rolls out of the ring. Yano rolls Cabana back in the ring and runs around, preventing Cabana from rolling any one way out of the ring. Yano gets back in the ring. Yano misses a series of elbow drops. Cabana covers for two.

Cabana pummels Yano. Yano rakes the eyes. They both evade an Irish Whip. Both men go for the turnbuckle. They trade blows. Cabana hits a Satellite Headscissors. Yano rolls out of the ring.

Yano throws Cabana into the barricade. Cabana finds another roll of wrist tape. Cabana sends Yano into the barricade. Cabana tapes the turnbuckle pad to the corner. Yano removes two turnbuckle pads. Cabana and Yano pass the turnbuckle pad. Red Shoes catches the turnbuckle pad. Yano rolls up Cabana for two.

Yano blocks the Bionic Elbow. Cabana dodges a turnbuckle shot. Cabana hits Superman Pin for the pinfall in 7:47.

WINNER: Colt Cabana

MAIN EVENT: New Japan Cup Second Round Match: SANADA vs. Minoru Suzuki

Suzuki kicks at SANADA’s leg. SANADA grabs at Suzuki’s leg. Suzuki locks in a headlock. Suzuki and SANADA trade holds. Suzuki goes for the Rear Naked Choke, but SANADA counters with a wristlock. Suzuki counters with a hammerlock. SANADA locks in a headscissors. They break.

SANADA and Suzuki trade holds. Suzuki locks in a headscissors. They trade more holds. They break.

SANADA counters a Yakuza Kick. Suzuki counters Paradise Lock. SANADA counters an Armbar. TAKA distracts the referee. SANADA backs TAKA off. Suzuki dodges a dropkick. Suzuki drags SANADA to the apron and locks in a leg lock. Suzuki slams SANADA’s knee into the ringpost. Suzuki wraps both of SANADA’s knees around the post. Suzuki slams SANADA into the barricade. Suzuki assaults the leg more. Suzuki batters SANADA with a chair. Suzuki gets back in the ring. SANADA beats the count.

Suzuki tosses SANADA out of the ring. Suzuki continues to use the barricade to injure SANADA’s knee. Suzuki punches Yuya Uemura in the jaw. Suzuki rolls SANADA back in the ring.

Suzuki stomps SANADA’s leg. Suzuki hits a series of mid kicks. Suzuki locks in an Achilles Lock. SANADA fights to the ropes.

[stream died briefly]

Suzuki hits a Penalty Kick. Suzuki covers for two. Suzuki stomps on SANADA. They trade blows. Suzuki dominates SANADA. Suzuki hits a Yakuza Kick. SANADA counters a Rear Naked Choke. Suzuki counters Skull End. Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. SANADA briefly passes out. Suzuki covers for two.

SANADA counters a Gotch Style Piledriver. Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. SANADA counters with Skull End. SANADA climbs the top rope. Suzuki dodges a Moonsault. Suzuki counters a springboard Dropkick with an Achilles Lock. Suzuki transitions to a Kneebar. SANADA counters with a Japanese Clutch. Suzuki counters with a Rear Naked Choke. Suzuki unleashes a flurry of slaps. Suzuki locks in the Rear Naked Choke. SANADA counters the Gotch Piledriver with a Fireman’s Carry Cutter. They trade elbows. SANADA hits a Backdrop Driver. SANADA covers for two. SANADA hits a backbreaker. SANADA climbs to the top rope. Suzuki recovers. SANADA hits a Moonsault into Skull End. Suzuki grabs the hair. SANADA locks in Skull End. Suzuki counters with a leg lock. SANADA counters with Skull End. Suzuki counters with a leg lock. SANADA counters with Skull End. Suzuki stretches SANADA’s leg. SANADA locks in Skull End. Suzuki passes out. SANADA covers for two.

SANADA climbs to the top rope. SANADA hits a Moonsault. SANADA covers for the pinfall in 28:45.



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