charlotte flair
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Ronda Rousey Breaks ‘The Fourth Wall’ In Latest Video, Charlotte Flair Goes On The Attack

Charlotte Flair
Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images)tty Images

Ronda Rousey‘s newest video posted on her YouTube channel sure had wrestling media and fans abuzz after she broke the fourth wall in a rant while getting her hair done after Monday’s RAW. Rousey cuts quite the heel promo to end the video and calls her promo at the end of the show “not a promo.”

“It wasn’t a promo. They gave me other things to say, I didn’t f—ing say it. That’s the thing. It’s not a f—ing promo, it’s not an act. I’m not going out their and doing their f—ing act anymore. They can say it’s part of the act to try and save face to everybody else, but it’s not an act. I’m going out there and doing whatever the hell I want and they can explain it away however they want, but f— ’em. Everybody. WWE Universe included.

I meant that I’m going to disrespect the sport that they all love so much. ‘Oh, don’t break Kayfabe, Ronda!’ Wrestling is scripted. It’s made up. It’s not real. None of those bitches can f—in’ touch me. The end.”

Ronda on the Road | WWE RAW Philadelphia

Charlotte Flair didn’t like Ronda’s remarks and fired back hard at the WWE RAW Women’s Champion on Twitter, trashing her exit from UFC and sarcastically calling her a “class act” in the process.

RELATED: Ronda Rousey: ‘I’m Tired Of Just Being Here To Entertain People’


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