MLW Fusion TV Taping Results For 2/2 *Spoilers*

The following matches were taped before and after the MLW Superfight live special aired on BeIN Sports. The content was recorded for future episodes of MLW Fusion on the network:

Pre Superfight matches 

Rich Swann defeated Lance Anoai
– Lance missed a splash, and Swann put his feet on the ropes to win it

Alexander Hammerstone defeated Ariel Dominguez
– Hammerstone’s debut for the promotion, ended up winning after a suplex sideslam

Post Superfight tapings

Jacob Fatu & The Almighty Sheik defeated Two Local Workers
– quick match, after the bell Sheik and Fatu destroyed them, including Fatu hitting a moonsault on the opponent on a stretcher being held in the air by medics. Really cool spot.

Myron Reed defeated DJZ
– Myron reversed a pin and rolled DJZ up and hooked the tights

Ace Romero defeated Simon Gotch via disqualification
– Sheik and Jacob Fatu ran out and attacked Romero, including Sheik stabbing his head with a spike. Romero ended up busted open. Gotch referred to the group as the ‘global merchants of violence’ and declared their new name was Contra, saying the takeover has begun. They waved a flag around (that had been broken over Romero’s back) that had the name ‘Contra’ on it.

Read More: Tom Lawlor Becomes New MLW World Champion At MLW SuperFight


Ace Austin defeated Rich Swann
– Swann attacked the ref, then shoved Rich Bocchini, who tried to ask about Swann’s behavior as of late. Swann then threw some items at ringside and berated the ring announcer before leaving

Brian Pillman Jr & Davey Boy Smith Jr defeated Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman
– Pillman talked trash about Philly, then said he has rights because the Constitution was signed here. He announced Smith as his partner first, then Dreamer came out and introduced Sandman. The end of the match saw Pillman running away from Sandman, who had a Singapore cane, and Pillman looked under each side of the ring for a weapon. He went towards the side nearest the entrance ramp, and got surprised by The Blue Meanie. Meanie decked Pillman, then Sandman ended up getting hit, and Pillman ran back in and hit Dreamer with the cane. He then assisted Smith with a powerbomb through two chairs to pick up the win.

Gringo Loco defeated Puma King
– Very fun match with plenty of back and forth action early on. Gringo hit Spanish Fly to win.

Rey Horus defeated Aerostar
– Another really fun back and forth match. Horus won after hitting seated powerbomb out of a flip.

Read More: The Hart Foundation Win The MLW Tag Team Championship, Get Confronted By MJF

MLW Middleweight Championship

Teddy Hart defeated MJF to retain
– Before the match, MJF cut a promo on being a star and talked trash about ECW, then dared Teddy to come out without the Hart Foundation. The final moments of the match saw an accidental referee bump. MJF tried to use a chair, but Teddy blocked it, then hit MJF while the ref was down. Teddy followed with an Ego Driver (powerbomb on to his knees) and springboard corkscrew moonsault, and the fans chanted ‘happy birthday’ to him as he celebrated his win.


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