Hiroshi Tanahashi
Photo by Etsuo Hara/Getty Images

NJPW New Beginning In Sapporo Results (2/2) Bullet Club Takes On Dream Team

SIXTH MATCH: SANADA vs. Minoru Suzuki

Suzuki goes for a kick. SANADA tries to counter with Paradise Lock. They break.

Suzuki and SANADA trade holds. They trade headlocks. Suzuki goes for a headbutt. SANADA takes Suzuki down and goes for Paradise Lock. Suzuki fights out. SANADA hits a low dropkick. Suzuki attempts an armbar. SANADA counters with Paradise Lock. SANADA poses triumphantly. SANADA hits a dropkick.

Suzuki pummels SANADA with forearms. The referee tries to break it up. SANADA slides out of the ring. Suzuki hits an apron run penalty kick. Suzuki throws SANADA into the barricade. Suzuki bounces SANADA off the timekeeper table. The ref stops Suzuki from using a chair. Suzuki takes SANADA to the Japanese broadcast table and beats him with a chair. Suzuki drags SANADA into the crowd and buries him in a section of seating. Suzuki chokes SANADA with a chair. Suzuki muscles the referee. Suzuki takes apart part of the barricade but the referee stops him. Suzuki grabs another section of barricade and slams it onto SANADA. Suzuki then throws chairs onto SANADA.

Suzuki gets back in the ring. SANADA breaks the count. Suzuki pummels SANADA. Suzuki covers for two.

Suzuki locks in a double wristlock. SANADA gets to the ropes. Suzuki stomps on SANADA. Suzuki hits a series of mid kicks. Suzuki smacks SANADA. SANADA smack Suzuki. They trade chest chops. SANADA blocks a Penalty Kick. Suzuki counters Dragon Screw with an Armbar. SANADA fights to the ropes.

Suzuki continues to attack the arm. SANADA hits a low dropkick. SANADA counters a mid kick with a Dragon Screw. SANADA hits a dropkick. Suzuki rolls out of the ring. SANADA hits a Pescado.

Both men get back in the ring. SANADA beats down Suzuki. Suzuki hits a Yakuza Kick. Suzuki hits a Penalty Kick. Suzuki covers for two.

They trade blows. Sauzuki dodges a Springboard Dropkick. Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. SANADA blocks the Gotch Piledriver. Suzuki locks in a rear naked choke. SANADA counters with Skull End. Suzuki grabs the referee. SANADA breaks the hold and climbs to the top rope. SANADA goes for a moonsault but Suzuki gets his knees up.

Both men trade blows. Suzuki drops SANADA with an elbow. SANADA fights back with a series of elbows, but is rocked by a combo from Suzuki. SANADA hits a rolling forearm. Suzuki hits a dropkick. Suzuki unleashes a flurry of strikes. Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. SANADA blocks the Gotch Piledriver. SANADA rolls up Suzuki with a Japanese Clutch but Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. SANADA fights out. Both men counter each other’s signature. SANADA locks in Skull End. Suzuki rolls through and hits the Gotch Piledriver for the pinfall in 19:40.

WINNER: Minoru Suzuki


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