Mego Corp action figures were a huge hit in the 70s and they’re making their comeback at Target stores as of late! The latest addition to the line is none other than Andre the Giant himself!
Looking at this figure you may think it’s goofy looking, which it’s definitely not Mattel quality, but you have to remember it’s based off very old school toy sculpting as well as production to capture the retro feel. Let’s take a closer look!
The Packaging
The packaging on this figure is very nice and simple. It has a very clean, slick look to it with a printed signature from Andre as well as an old black and white photo of him. He’s in a standard pose with a mini-scale steel chair in his hands as well as a fake winged eagle type belt. Not to mention a giant Mego Corp sticker slapped on the front of it.
Looking at the back there’s an image of a younger Andre with his big afro-type hairdo as well as his signature, a mini bio about the founder of Mego Corp as well as the fact Andre is 8″ tall and features 14-points of articulation.
The Head Sculpt
The sculpt looks like him a bit. It’s not as bad as people made it out to be based on the early images we saw on the Target website, but it certainly isn’t Mattel quality as everyone is used to these days. The head is oversized a bit, but I believe that’s the style of Mego Corp figures. Regardless, it still captures Andre for the most part. I wouldn’t recommend buying this if you’re super anal on likeness and style as it’s more of a fun throwback figure.
The Attire/Accessories
Andre features a cloth singlet, which is great that it’s not painted. Most Mego Corp figures feature cloth outfits, similar to a Barbie, with shoes over their feet than just molded. Andre does feature black boots with laces that are actually over his feet/legs than molded. I’m not sure if they come off as I didn’t want to risk not being able to put them back on. They feel like they can though.
He also comes with an out of scale steel chair that is super tiny. It’s made of a flimsy plastic so be careful as it seems brittle. It can’t be opened like the Mattel chairs nor can Andre really hold it but perhaps it’s just to show how much of a giant he is. Not to mention he comes with a “winged eagle” style championship title that’s made out of a very flimsy plastic, almost like film-style material. There’s no WWE logos of any kind on it as it’s most likely not licensed but rather has Mego Corp logos on it instead. There’s a small slit on both of the belt to clip together once you put it around his waist. It comes undone pretty easily though so be patient with it.
The Articulation
Andre has ball-jointed like arms and legs, but all of his limbs are held internally by rubber-band like material. This makes his arms and legs snap back to normal position as they can’t be held in any sort of pose much like Mattel figures can. He does have ball-jointed wrist joints though, which is cool.
You can see a video review of him here:

It’s a neat collectible item. It’s not top notch quality compared to modern action figures but it’s a great throwback to old school collectors. He goes for around $15 on the Target website but seems to be selling out rapidly. I’m not sure if he is in stores, I don’t see why he wouldn’t be like other Mego Corp figures, but keep an eye out on the Target website just in case. I do recommend picking him up if you like collecting anything wrestling figure wise but if you’re used to Mattel this probably isn’t the figure for you.
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Mego Corp Andre the Giant