Former WWE Head Writer Gives Props To Daniel Bryan
Brian Gewirtz, former WWE Head Writer and now The Rock’s right-hand man still keeps his tabs on the WWE ongoings and loves everything about “New” Daniel Bryan and his methods of getting heel heat:
I.R.S. telling people to pay their taxes.
Bob Backlund demanding kids educate themselves.
Chris Jericho rightfully calling out a legend for cheating.
“Heels” who are correct, don’t believe they’re heels and still get booed, fill my soul with happiness. Thank you @WWEDanielBryan https://t.co/UL9Q9WCAgv— Brian Gewirtz (@bfg728) January 24, 2019
RELATED: Daniel Bryan Is Disgusted By Chase Field’s Royal Rumble Burger
Shlak Responds To Nick Gage’s GCW Open Challenge
Independent wrestler Shlak heard of Nick Gage‘s open challenge for GCW’s upcoming event on February 16th in Atlantic City, NJ and let’s just say it’s very much NSFW:
Feb 16th atlantic city NJ
GCW they said it couldn’t be done