WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results 1/21/19

Ronda Rousey and Natalya vs Sasha Banks and Bayley
Before the match starts Natalya has to hold Rousey back. Banks grabs a mic and asks Rousey who the hell she thinks she is. Banks tells Rousey that she earned her title shot by beating Jax. Banks is going to make Rousey tap out too. Natalya holds Rousey back as the referee tries to get the match started. Natalya and Banks start the match. As soon as the bell ring Banks elbows Rousey off the apron. The referee holds Rousey back as Banks sends Natalya to the mat. Bayley and Banks double team Natalya. Rousey runs into the ring and hits a rolling clothesline on Bayley. Banks manages to move out of the way. Rousey tosses Banks down to the mat. Banks and Bayley regroup outside the ring.
After the break, Natalya tags in Rousey. Rousey and Natalya hit the Hart Attack on Bayley. Banks and Rousey jaw at each other. Natalya suplexes Bayley and gets a near fall. Banks tags in. Banks lands a running knee on Natalya. Banks lands the top rope Meteora. Natalya kicks out. Natalya manages to tag in Rousey. Banks rolls Rousey into the Banks Statement. Natalya breaks it up. Rousey boots Banks in the face. Rousey sets up her punch flurry. Banks kicks Rousey in the gut. Banks hits the backstabber. Bayley calls for the Bayley-to-Belly. Rousey reverses it into a judo throw. Bayley drags Rousey into the corner after Rousey misses a ranna. Banks tries to pick up Rousey but Rousey almost puts Banks in the armbar. Banks kicks Rousey in the head. Natalya tags in and puts Banks in the Sharpshooter. Bayley breaks it up. Bayley spears Rousey off the apron. Natalya tosses Bayley to the outside. Banks puts Natalya in the Banks Statement. Natalya taps out.
Winners- Sasha Banks and Bayley
After the match, Rousey and Banks argue.
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