WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results 1/9/18

Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel vs Hudsmen and Watts

Barthel takes Hudsmen down and tries to rip his arm off. Watts tags in and Barthel obliterates him with a double chop to the throat. Aichner and Barthel hit a combo spine buster/PK for a near fall. Watts gets the hot tag and lands a few kicks on Aichner. Watts goes up top but Barthel cuts him off. Barthel tosses Watt off the top rope into a brainbuster by Aichner. Aichner sets up a powerbomb but Aichner tosses Watts into a snap German suplex by Barthel. Watts is done.

Winners- Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel

EC3 vs Adam Cole w/The Undisputed Era

EC3 and Cole taunt each other before EC3 runs over Cole. Cole tries a leapfrog but EC3 answers with a nasty chop. Cole catches EC3 with an enziguri as EC3 tries to get out of the ring. Cole sends EC3 into the ring steps. Neckbreaker by Cole for a near fall. EC3 suplexes Cole back into the ring. EC3 lands his patented elbow drop. Cole stuns EC3 on the top rope. Cole boots EC3 in the face. EC3 kicks out. Backstabber by Cole. EC3 kicks out again. Cole misses the Last Shot. German suplex followed by a clothesline by EC3. Cole kicks out. Cole surprises EC3 with a Suplex into a neck breaker. Cole tries to put EC3 in a cross arm breaker. EC3 turns it into a powerbomb. The Undisputed Era all try to get into the ring. Cole superkicks EC3. Last Shot by Cole. It’s over.

Winner- Adam Cole

After the match, Undisputed Era attacks EC3. The War Raider hit the ring and make the save.


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