The Young Bucks
Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

Matt Jackson Reflects On His Life-Changing Moment During Yesterday’s Rally

Matt Jackson
Matt Jackson at the All In Weigh In – August 31, 2018, Schaumburg, IL (Photo: Dominic DeAngelo)

Matt Jackson Reflects On His Life-Changing Moment

It was a huge day for Cody, The Bucks and all the members of All Elite Wrestling, but it gave Matt Jackson a moment in his life to reflect back on yesterday as he and his brother Nick were struggling to make ends meet. The following is Tweeted from a 2016 VICE article written by Mike Pielluci, referring to the Bucks quitting TNA back in 2011:

“To this day, Matt remembers the trip home to California after he and Nick quit the company. Matt’s wife, Dana, was six months pregnant at the time, and they were on the verge of getting kicked out of their apartment. It was their rock bottom as pro wrestlers, but it was also the point at which they realized they needed to find another way if they were going to make it.

Matt recalled a specific layover when, famished, he ducked into an airport Popeye’s to pick up lunch, only to have his credit card declined. He needed Nick to pick up the tab on his $1.99 chicken biscuit sandwich.

“I almost broke down in the airport,” Matt says. “That was almost a moment for me: I’ve got to do something. I’ve either got to get a job or make this wrestling thing work. I always have that fear in my head. I can’t go back to those days of being a poor, starving artist. I want to succeed. That’s what drove me to be the guy I am now. That moment.”

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