wrestle kingdom 13

Wrestle Kingdom 13 Results (1/4) The Battle For New Japan’s Soul

NINTH MATCH: IWGP Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship No Disqualification Match: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Tetsuya Naito

Wild brawl at ringside to start. Naito drags Jericho, by the scarf and slams him into a table. Naito drags Jericho to the entry ramp and hits a piledriver. Naito stomps on Jericho.

Naito throws Jericho back in the ring. The turnbuckle is exposed. Naito continues to dominate Jericho. Naito dumps Jericho to ringside. Naito goes for a suicide dive but Jericho hits him with a Kendo Stick. Jericho gets in the ring and wails on Tetsuya Naito with the Kendo Stick. Jericho climbs to the second rope and hits Naito square in the forehead with the stick. Jericho chokes Naito with the Kendo Stick.

They trade blows. Naito gets on the apron. Jericho hits a Triangle Dropkick. Jericho grabs a camera and films Naito. Jericho flips off Naito. Jericho suplexes Naito to the arena floor. Jericho slams Naito around with the ring barricade. Jericho takes Naito to the English commentary area. Jericho DDTs Naito on a table.

Jericho rolls Naito back in the ring. Jericho climbs to the top rope. Jericho hits a Flying Crossbody for two.

Jericho hits a Lionsault. Naito kicks out. Jericho and Naito battle back and forth. Naito unleashes a flurry of punches. Jericho kicks Naito in the face. Naito hits a rope hung neckbreaker. Naito hits a swinging neckbreaker. Naito covers. Jericho kicks out.

Naito kicks Jericho in the head. Naito grinds his foot in Jericho’s face. Jericho counters Cabron Combination with Walls Of Jericho. Naito fights out. Jericho hits an enziguiri. Naito blocks a Codebreaker. Naito hits a springboard DDT. Naito hits Gloria. Naito covers. Jericho kicks out.

Jericho counters Destino with Walls Of Jericho. Naito fights out with a Kendo Stick. Naito goes to town on Jericho with the Kendo Stick. Jericho hits a Codebreaker. Jericho covers. Naito kicks out.

Jericho gets out of the ring and grabs some chairs. Jericho slams Naito with a chair, repeatedly. Jericho goes for a powerbomb but gets DDT’d onto a pile of chairs. Naito gets a nearfall on Jericho.


Naito grabs a Kendo Stick and climbs to the top rope. Jericho throws a chair at Naito’s head. Naito counters a brainbuster and German Suplexes Jericho onto a chair. Jericho counters Destino. Jericho low blows Naito. Jericho hits Codebreaker. Jericho covers. Naito kicks out.

Jericho grabs the title belt. Naito dodges and sends Jericho into the exposed turnbuckle. Naito hits Destino. Naito covers. Jericho kicks out.

Naito grabs the title belt. Naito hits Jericho square in the forehead. Naito hits Destino for the pinfall.



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