wrestle kingdom 13

Wrestle Kingdom 13 Results (1/4) The Battle For New Japan’s Soul

SECOND MATCH: NEVER Openweight Championship Match: Kota Ibushi (c) vs. Will Ospreay

They start with a flurry of kicks, flips and leapfrogs. Opsreay flips Ibushi out of the ring and feigns a dive. Ibushi gets back in the ring. Ibushi blocks Osscutter.

Ospreay ducks a penalty kick. Ospreay dodges a moonsault. Ibushi hits a dropkick. Ospreay slides out of the ring. Ibushi goes for Golden Triangle but Ospreay kicks Ibushi in the ribs, mid-moonsault. Ospreay hits a Space Flying Tiger Dive. Ospreay gets Ibushi back in the ring and covers for two.

Ospreay maintains dominance. Ospreay corners Ibushi. Ospreay chops the chest. Ospreay hits a backbreaker. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay taunts Ibushi with punches. They get forehead to forehead. Ibushi unleashes a flurry of elbows. Ibushi hits a Snap Hurricanrana. Ospreay slides out of the ring. Ibushi hits a springboard Phoenix Splash on Ospreay.

Ospreay gets back in the ring. Ibushi hits a springboard dropkick. Ibushi hits a rolling deadlift German Suplex for two.

Ibushi gets a nearfall. Ospreay fights back. Ibushi hits a powerslam. Ospreay catches Ibushi on the top rope with a Cheeky Nandos. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay pummels Ibushi. They trade elbows. Ibushi unleashes a stiff series of elbows and floors Ospreay. Ospreay hits an Enziguiri. Both men trade powerbomb attempts. Ospreay hits a Standing Spanish Fly. Ibushi climbs to his feet. Ospreay kicks Ibushi right in the back of the head. Ibushi counters Stormbreaker with a pinfall attempt for two.

Ospreay hits a suplex. Ibushi hits a Bomaye Knee.  Ibushi hits a Last Ride Powerbomb for two. Ibushi goes for the Phoenix Splash but Ospreay knocks Ibushi off the top rope.

Ibushi hangs in the tree of woe. Both men slap fight. Ospreay starts kicking Ibushi in the head repeatedly until the ref breaks it up.

Ospreay puts Ibushi on the top rope. Ibushi fights free. Ibushi hits a double stomp on the back of Ospreay’s neck. Ospreay falls to the apron. Ospreay flips out of a deadlift German Suplex. Ospreay hits Robinson Special. Ibushi blocks Osscutter. Ibushi hits a Straight Jacket German Suplex for two. Ospreay dodges Kamigoye. Both men trade strikes. Ospreay drops Ibushi with a lariat. Ibushi dodges Stormbreaker. Ibushi hits an Inverted Dudebuster for two.

Ospreay dodges Kamigoye and kicks Ibushi in the back of the head. Ospreay hits Off With His Head. Ospreay hits Stormbreaker for the pinfall.


After the match, Ibushi is taken out of the ring on a stretcher.



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