Photo Credit: Robbie E

Robbie E. On Titan Games Pushing Him To His Limits

Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Robert Strauss, better known to wrestling fans as Robbie E., once competed on CBS’  The Amazing Race series. Now Robbie E. returns to television as a contestant on Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson‘s brand new Titan Games show. Johnson produces the ten episode fitness based reality series, which will begin airing on January 3rd.

Cheryl Malkin of Bridgewater Courier News caught up with Robbie E., who opened up about the new series, “It’s very physical, but also involves mental stuff — it’s very competitive.” Robbie E. compares the new show to 300 and adds, “I would compare it to a newer, crazier version of ‘American Gladiators.’ These are challenges that no one has ever seen before. Whether the challenges are 30 seconds to three minutes — it’s full body, you are using every muscle in your body. I have never worked so hard in a short amount of time in my life. It really pushes the competitors to a level that they never been before.

Robbie E. looks to better his fourth place finish in 2014’s The Amazing Race. Readers can catch NBC’s Titan Games on Thursdays beginning January 3rd.

RELATED: WZ Exclusive – Robbie E. Talks ‘Titan Games’, Building His Brand


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