Daniel Bryan
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Doctor Helps Daniel Bryan Walk To The Back After Taking Stiff Knee From Ali (Updated)

Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

UPDATE: Bryan appears to be fine. He interrupted R-Truth and Carmella in a segment taped for next week’s show:


Following the main event of SmackDown Live, WWE Champion Daniel Bryan had to be helped to the back by a medical professional.

It appears that Mustafa Ali accidentally caught Bryan in the face with his knee when performing his 054 finishing maneuver. Ali could be heard checking on Bryan’s condition immediately as the move landed.


RELATED: WWE SmackDown Live Results For 12/18/2018

Given the touch-and-go nature of Bryan’s return to in-ring competition, an incident like this is truly concerning. Here’s hoping Daniel Bryan is okay and that he can recover quickly.


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