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Brian Pillman Jr. Discusses Gun Segment, His Father, His Role Models, More

Brian Pillman Jr. recently talked with Chris Van Vliet at Major League Wrestling in Miami, FL. You can check out the highlights below as well as the complete interview.

On being apart of the “Pillman Has A Gun” segment:

“I remember being there. I was in the house and the crew guys were like ‘hey everybody, stay upstairs’ and me and my little sister are freaking out, Stone Cold is circling the building and tying to find a way in and then all of sudden we hear the glass break and the rest is history. Seeing it on TV and that pure emotion, that pure anger of someone invading your home. What would you do? Of course you would pull out of gun, right? It’s natural, pure, organic stuff.”

On the memories he has of his father:

“I have very few memories. If you do your research you’ll find that the human memory starts to form around 4-years old and that’s when he passed away. I do remember his voice, the very raspy voice and they had to bolt a cast to his leg so he wouldn’t work on it. He would get surgery then he would re-injure his leg over and over because he just didn’t give a damn. So I remember seeing legit bolts like screwed into his leg and I thought how gruesome was that? But he’s a tough son of a gun.”

On who he looks up to in the wrestling industry:

Chris Jericho because I’ve always just leveled with him. I’m not saying that I’m trying to be him, but I’m just very similar to him with that larger than life and rock star persona. You don’t even have to look at the moves, forget the lionsault forget the dropkicks. As soon as he walks through the curtain he’s Chris Jericho. I’ve always enjoyed that and the charisma. When it comes to intensity, I’ve always respected Chris Benoit.”

On why he chose to become a professional wrestler:

“My mother told me that it killed my father. She’s say ‘oh wrestling killed your father and the lifestyle is too hard. You’ll never be able to do it.’ Once I started doing yoga, getting in the gym, really putting on some weight and looking great I started to realize that I can do this. I was looking at the other guys in the business and comparing myself to them visually, physically and athletically and I thought I’d be in the upper tier here.”

You can see the entire interview below.

Brian Pillman Jr. chats with Chris Van Vliet at Major League Wrestling in Miami, FL. Brian talks about why he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps, training with Lance Storm, his mullet and being there for his father’s infamous gun segment.

Brian Pillman Jr. following his father's footsteps, "Pillman's Got a Gun", training with Lance Storm



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