Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results 12/13/18

Moose vs Brian Cage

Moose tells Cage to hit the ropes. Cage hits the ropes and tries a shoulder block. Moose doesn’t budge. Moose hit a shoulder block but Cage doesn’t budge. Moose goes low on Cage. Cage hits a dropkick followed by a head scissors. Cage and Moose fight outside the ring. Moose tries to chop Cage but Cage moves out of the way. Moose ends up chopping the ring post. Moose sends Cage into the guardrail. Pump kick by Moose. Moose tries another pump kick but Cage picks up Moose and powerbombs him on the ring apron. Cage sends Moose into the ring. Moose trips Cage into the corner. Moose lands a delayed corner dropkick in the corner. Moose whips Cage into the corner hard. Moose dropkicks Cage off the top rope. Cage falls to the outside.

Moose sends Cage into the guardrail. Moose acts like he is going to send Cage into the crowd but Moose is just messing with the fans. While Moose is distracted, Cage hits a tope. Cage sends Moose into the ring. Spine buster by Cage. Moose misses the Game Changer. Cage goes up top. Moose hits the Go to Hell. Cage kicks out. Senton by Moose. Cage kicks out. Moose tries the spear. Cage leaps over Moose to avoid it. Moose ends up on the apron. Cage deadlift suplexes Moose back into the ring. Moose and Cage trade strikes. Game Changer by Moose. Moose hits the ropes and runs right into Cage’s discus clothesline. Powerbomb by Cage. Cage sends Moose into the ropes. Moose explodes off the ropes with a spear. Cage is favoring his arm as he rolls out of the ring. Cage and Moose fight outside the ring. Eddie Edwards appears out of nowhere and attacks Moose.

Winner- No Contest

After the match, Edwards and moose fight around the ring. Edwards pulls Kenny the Kendo Stick from under the ring. Edwards beats Moose down with the kendo stick. Edwards sets up a piledriver. Moose runs away.



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