NJPW World Tag League Finals Results (12/9) Huge Wrestle Kingdom Implications

SECOND MATCH: Michael Elgin, Jeff Cobb, Beretta & Chuckie T vs. Suzuki-gun (Davey Boy Smith Jr., Lance Archer, Takashi Iizuka & Minoru Suzuki)

Wild brawl to srart. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Smith gets Elgin back in the ring. Elgin hits a corner lariat. Smith hits a dropkick and kips up. Elgin hits a powerslam. Elgin covers for two.

Both men trade suplex attempts. They exchange elbows. Smith hits a series of stiff kicks. Elgin counters with a rolling elbow. Elgin hits a thrust kick. Elgin hits a German Suplex for two.

Elgin hits a corner lariat. Elgin climbs to the second rope. Smith recovers and hits a Superplex. Archer tags in. Cobb tags in.

Cobb hits a dropkick. Archer hits a Pounce. Archer hits a corner back elbow. Cobb hits a spinning Saito Suplex. Cobb hits a standing moonsault for two. Chuckie T tags in.

Archer hits a shoulder tackle. Suzuki tags in. Suzuki hits a Yakuza Kick. Suzuki hits a Penalty Kick. Suzuki covers for two.

Chuckie fights back. Chuckie hits a corner lariat. Chuckie hits a Second Rope Dropkick. Chuckie T makes Suzuki mad with some chops. Both men trade strikes. They trade stiff elbows. Suzuki drops Chuckie T with a series of elbows. Iizuka tags in. Suzuki undoes the muzzle. Iizuka must feed!

Beretta tags in and hits a flying crossbody. Iizuka and Beretta trade shots. Beretta hits a Gobstopper for two.

Iizuka hits an atomic drop. Suzuki-gun team up on Beretta. KES hit an assisted Powerslam. Iizuka covers but Elgin breaks the pin up.

Suzuki locks Beretta in the Rear Naked Choke. Iizuka grabs the Iron Glove. Chuckie runs in with a chair and goes wild on Suzuki-gun for the disqualification.

WINNERS: Suzuki-gun

After the match, Chuckie T takes out Cobb and Elgin with the chair. Beretta drags Chuckie T into the crowd. They get into a shoving match and leave the arena.