Dean Ambrose goes to drastic measures to avoid Seth Rollins ahead his their Intercontinental Championship match at TLC, once again beating him down on Monday Night RAW.
Police sirens rang out in the Toyota Center as a number of ‘SWAT patrol members’ in gas masks escorted Ambrose, sporting a gas mask and jacket resembling Bane from The Dark Knight Rises. Ambrose said he had to take these measures to get away from Seth Rollins. Ambrose would tear into the crowd and Rollins, saying that he always wants to have things his way. Dean was disgusted by how the crowd will always want to get in his face and wanted to avoid that while Rollins will always chase the glory. Ambrose promised that at TLC, the Intercontinental Champiosnhip will safely fall into his hands.
Rollins would come out to the ring, attacking the SWAT patrol from behind while Ambrose attempted to escape. Rollins would have the advantage until Ambrose cracked him with the gas mask. Ambrose again would deliver a Dirty Deeds on the floor before having his goons throw Rollins into the ring to hit him with another Dirty Deeds.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's @TheDeanAmbrose! #RAW pic.twitter.com/tDYATIhKj3
— WWE (@WWE) December 4, 2018
It appears @TheDeanAmbrose needs protection from the @WWEUniverse…and @WWERollins. #RAW pic.twitter.com/ngiHAppsg1
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) December 4, 2018
#DirtyDeeds have been done once again…#RAW @TheDeanAmbrose pic.twitter.com/SmuIGCJU4p
— WWE (@WWE) December 4, 2018