Backstage, McIntyre attacks Bálor.
Ronda Rousey and Ember Moon vs Nia Jax and Tamina
Before Moon can make her entrance, Jax and Tamina attack Rousey. Moon runs down to the ring and hits a splash on Tamina. Moon takes Tamina out with a sliding knee on the apron. Rousey leaps off the apron and elbows Jax in the head. After the break, Moon hits a handspring elbow in the corner. After a distraction from Jax, Tamina superkicks Moon. Jax acts like she is going to punch Moon in the face.
Jax ends up punching Moon in the gut. Moon eventually tags in Rousey. Rousey lands a few rolling clotheslines. Stiff knees by Rousey. Rousey throws Tamina into the corner. Rousey yells for Tamina to tag in Jax. Jax refuses. Tamina tags in Jax. Jax tags Tamina back in. Rousey pulls Jax into the ring. Rousey blast Tamina with a running knee. Moon hits the Eclypse. Rousey puts Tamina in the Armbar. Tamina taps out.
Winners- Ronda Rousey and Ember Moon
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