WWE Hall of Famer Jerry “The King” Lawler and co-host Glenn Moore returned for another exciting addition of their weekly Dinner With The King podcast. This time Lawler and Moore talked about a number of wrestling related topics including Lawler being excluded from WWE 2K19, Lawler having to once publicly apologize for hitting Duke “The Dumpster” Droese with a trash can, and the time Lawler saw Vince McMahon cry.
On The WWE 2K19 Exclusion:
Moore: I bought the WWE 2K19 game and guess who’s in it and guess who’s not in it?
Lawler: Well, I know I’m not in it, right?
Moore: Which is a travesty in its own right, but Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake is in there. Why is he in the game and not you? Can we call corporate? Is there a phone line I can call to complain?
Lawler: I think you can actually go – they have a Twitter account.
Moore: I know. They follow the show. They’re big fans of yours, I get it. You’re friends with a lot of people over there. I just don’t get how they can’t have Jerry “The King” Lawler on there, but they have certain other people on there that I’ve never heard of in my life are on the game, but not you.
Lawler: [laughter] I don’t know.
Moore: Maybe because they view you as a commentator? But, I mean, they’re friends with you. They know who you are.
Lawler: I think that’s probably the reason.
Moore: Yeah, but they got Vince McMahon in there. He’s not a wrestler. You wrestled more matches then him in WWE.
Lawler: Yeah
Moore: It gets me hot. It gets me hot.
Lawler: Well, Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake wrestled a lot of matches back in the day
Moore: [groans]
Lawler: You don’t think he did?
Moore: I know he did, but so did Steve Lombardi. He wrestled a lot of matches, but he’s not in the game: The Brooklyn Brawler.
On Having To Publicly Apologize For Hitting Duke ‘The Dumpster’ Droese W/A Trash Can:
Lawler: Remember I wrestled Duke “The Dumpster” Droese – he was a garbage man.
Moore: Yeah and then you got in trouble for hitting him with a trash can on TV.
Lawler: I really opened things up up there when I first got there. I was the first guy to have blood, got a bloody nose. First time anybody saw blood on WWE and I had to actually publicly apologize because I had hit this guy. I had just started and coming up from Memphis, we would hit everybody with everything including the kitchen sink and all of a sudden I get up there and I see this guy I’m wrestling and he’s got a trash can out the ring and I just wrestled The Moon Dogs and we’d buy ten trash cans before every match to hit each other with. That was just my first natural reaction. I see the guys trash can. I go over, grab it, and hit him over the head with it. Oh my gosh, they went crazy. It was like, ‘You literally have to go out there and publicly apologize for that kind of violence on TV.
Moore: Oh God. If they can only imagine five years later in the Attitude Era where girls are showing their puppies and there’s blood everywhere and there’s a hand being born.
Lawler: I started all that. Thank me for all that [laughter].
On Seeing Vince McMahon Cry:
I can’t tell you how many years ago it’s been. I don’t know where I got the idea from, but anyway I did a portrait, a big nice portrait for Vince. It was like a triple portrait, a portrait where Vince was in the middle, on the left of Vince was his son Shane and on the right of Vince was his father Vince, Sr. and so I did this portrait, worked on it a long time. It really turned out great. I had it all framed up and I took it to one of the Monday Night RAWs and I had it all wrapped up and anyway I saw Stephanie and I unwrapped it and she saw it and said, ‘Oh my gosh, Vince is gonna cry,’ and I went, ‘What?’ She said, ‘I’m telling you, he’s gonna cry when he sees that.’ I said, ‘No, no way.’ She said, ‘Mark my words.’ Anyway she went out and a little bit later I saw Vince and I said, ‘Vince, I’ve got something I want to give to you, if you’ve got a minute.’ So I had him come into my room there and I opened the portrait up and he immediately looked at it and his hand came up and covered his mouth and he turned away like immediately. His hand came up. He turned away and walked over into a corner and he just stood there for maybe a couple of minutes and then he like slowly came back and looked at the picture again. I think it brought tears to his eyes. I was shocked and then he hugged me and said how much it meant to him and all that sort of stuff. That was like the one moment that I ever really saw from Vince that kind of emotion. I think it’s still hanging in his office.
(Transcription Credit: Michael McClead, WrestleZone)
Readers may listen to Dinner With The King in its entirety below:
RELATED: WWE 2K19 Review – It’s 2K’s Best Effort Yet, But Is It Worth A Buy?
Jerry Lawler Vintage
Jerry Lawler
P 353941 001 1994-1996 New York City / New Jersey Wwf Wrestler Jerry 'The King' Lawler - Wrestling Retrospective. Jerry Has Decided To Run For Mayor Of Memphis, Tennessee. In This (Photo By Russell Turiak/Getty Images)
Jerry Lawler
P 353941 002 1994-1996 New York City / New Jersey Wwf Wrestler Jerry "The King" Lawler - Wrestling Retrospective. Jerry Has Decided To Run For Mayor Of Memphis, Tennessee. In This (Photo By Russell Turiak/Getty Images)
Jerry Lawler
P 353941 003 1994-1996 New York City / New Jersey Wwf Wrestler Jerry "The King" Lawler - Wrestling Retrospective. Jerry Has Decided To Run For Mayor Of Memphis, Tennessee. (Photo By Russell Turiak/Getty Images)
Jerry Lawler
P 353941 004 1994-1996 New York City / New Jersey Wwf Wrestler Jerry "The King" Lawler - Wrestling Retrospective. Jerry Has Decided To Run For Mayor Of Memphis, Tennessee. (Photo By Russell Turiak/Getty Images)
Jerry Lawler
P 353941 005 1994-1996 New York City / New Jersey Wwf Wrestler Jerry 'The King' Lawler - Wrestling Retrospective. Jerry Has Decided To Run For Mayor Of Memphis, Tennessee. (Photo By Russell Turiak/Getty Images)
Jerry Lawler
P 353941 006 1994-1996 New York City / New Jersey Wwf Wrestler Jerry 'The King' Lawler - Wrestling Retrospective. Jerry Has Decided To Run For Mayor Of Memphis, Tennessee. (Photo By Russell Turiak/Getty Images)
Jerry Lawler
P 353941 007 1994-1996 New York City / New Jersey Wwf Wrestler Jerry 'The King' Lawler - Wrestling Retrospective. Jerry Has Decided To Run For Mayor Of Memphis, Tennessee. In This (Photo By Russell Turiak/Getty Images)
Jerry Lawler
P 353941 008 1994-1996 New York City / New Jersey Wwf Wrestler Jerry 'The King' Lawler - Wrestling Retrospective. Jerry Has Decided To Run For Mayor Of Memphis, Tennessee. (Photo By Russell Turiak/Getty Images)