Batista Takes His Mom To His Film Set In Style (Photo)
Batista is well aware of what it means to achieve his dream and a big one of his culminated yesterday when he was able to fly his mother over to the set of his upcoming film on a private jet, Ric Flair style. Batista, a Washington DC native, touched upon the significance of the moment.
RELATED: Batista Thanks The Late Stan Lee, WWE Marquee Match Featuring HBK vs. Orton (Video)
New SCU Merch Available
Christopher Daniels went on his Twitter account to share that the So Cal Uncensored shop has some new merchandise available to buy on Pro Wrestling Tees, including an Ugly Christmas Sweater so you can really tell that town you’re in that it’s “the worst you’ve ever seen” in full holiday spirit.
Two new additions to the #SCU @PWTees offerings!
The SCU Cartoon and the SCU Worst Holiday Ugly Christmas Sweater-style sweatshirt! Get them now at https://t.co/psJR7T5cvx! pic.twitter.com/Sz0C9R74Av— Christopher Daniels (@facdaniels) November 29, 2018